Chapter 2: #1 Hero

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Swaying? Why is my body swaying back and forth?I scrunched my eyes and slowly opened them to see that smile again. His blonde hair and chiseled chin looked forward as I stared up at this man. He's carrying me? Who is this man? My body stiffened, and he quickly stopped walking.

He looked down at me, "It's gonna be alright because I am here." His voice was so confident and assuring to me. Why do I have this safe feeling? I've never felt this way about any body besides mommy. A gust of wind blew and I shivered in his arms. To gain some warmth I snuggled closer to his body. He let out a small surprised grunt, but then chuckled.

"Here." One arm held me as the other reached around his back to bring his blue and red cape towards me. I flinched at his sudden movement, which he noticed.

"I'm not here to harm you child. I am here to help. No one will harm you as long as you are with me." His voice reassured me as I grabbed his cape and wrapped it around myself. He chuckled and began to walk again. My eyes were so heavy, but I had so many questions about what happened.

"Are you a hero?" My voice croaked.

"Why of course!"

"Where is my daddy?"

"Taken care of dear." What does he mean by that? Did he take him to jail? Did he hurt him? Did he know about what he did to me and mommy? Where is-

"He won't hurt you anymore." His monotone voice broke my thoughts. I knew now that he was taken away by him or the cops. Fear and realization struck through out my body. I am all alone now. I don't have a dad or a mom. I'm going to be put in a foster home. I won't have any say so in what comes after this. The thoughts tugged at my heart, I was truly alone. I fisted his costume in my hand as tears began to run down my cheeks. I buried my face into his chest as I cried. What am I suppose to do? I don't want to be with any else but mommy but she is gone from me. I just want to be alone. I just want to be with my mom. I sobbed into his chest while the pessimistic thoughts filled my mind. Then suddenly I felt a hand on top of my head, I flinched out of reflex.

"Sweetheart, I said that I won't let anyone hurt you as long as I am with you and I meant it. You have suffered too much in this world. I cannot even imagine what he did to you. I will protect you from here on out." My eyes shot up, and he was looking down at me with such kindness in his eyes. Tears kept falling as a smile crept across my face. I laid my head back down on his chest, sighed deeply and squeaked out a "thank you".

A booming laugh came from the man, "HA HA HA well of course! That's what heroes are for!" We walked in silence for a while until I broke the silence.

"I'm Hikari."

"All Might, or in your case call me Toshinori."

"You are All Might?" My voice cracked as I was taken back by surprise.

"HA HA HA! Well yes! Can you not tell?!?" His booming voice could be heard throughout the whole forest.

I chuckled and just said, "I've never seen you before, I have just heard about you. Daddy never let me watch TV." I heard a hum come from the back of his throat. After a few more minutes of walking we appeared at the road, I saw many police cars and an ambulance. All Might walked over to the ambulance and suddenly men came running towards us. I stiffened and clung to my hero.

"Savior" {Aizawa x OC}Where stories live. Discover now