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Quirk- Enhanced Mentality Transfusion

A quirk combination between her mother and father. Her mother had a quirk called Enhancement which allowed her to enhance or power up anyone's quirk when she touches them. She just has to have her DNA on the other persons body. She was used mainly for support.

Her father had the quirk called Mentality Transfusion. All he has to do is look someone in the eye and he can transfer his consciousness to the other person. This quirk cannot be broken unless the user wants it to. Although, her father has to transfer his whole consciousness into the other person. This leaves him open for other people to attack his main body. But Hikari, with the help of her mother's quirk, can allow her to transfer half her consciousness into the other person while she still has control of her mind as well.

Her quirk is complicating and needs complete focus do to the half transfer. Although her quirk has draw backs as well. Being inside two minds at once causes her to see hallucinations of her and the other person memories. Also she can feel what they feel when they are connected and hear the other persons thoughts as well. The last thing about her quirk is she can also use the other person's quirk when she takes over their mind.

Side Note: Hikari and her father's eyes look like the picture above, their eyes are different because of their quirk. Her Hero Outfit is shown below as well as what I believe she would look like.

I don't own any of those pictures I got them all from Pinterest!•

•I don't own any of those pictures I got them all from Pinterest!•

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