Chapter 14: Repaying a Debt

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"I so wish I could take that fucking blindfold off you so I can see the pain in your eyes! You probably like it, don't you? You little bitch." He whispered in my ear.

"I want you to fucking scream my name, like a good whore." Grabbing my hair he tilts my head back to roughly bite my neck. Tears slowly run down my cheeks.

"Don't you fucking cry!" He quickly grabs my throat, but he doesn't stop his movements. Each movement causes a sharp pain to render throughout my body.

"Your dad might think you are his, but you really fucking belong to me! Especially this." He whispers lustfully in my ear as he reaches down to-


My eyes shoot open, my chest heaving up and down from the nightmare. Wher.... where am I? I look to the left to see an IV in my left arm. Oh yeah, a hospital. I'm safe. Looking to my right I see Shota sleeping on the side of the bed. His ebony black hair covered his face as his mouth was partly open. Small snores would escape his mouth every once in while.

I want to touch him. He looks so warm. I want to hug and thank him. Before I could even consider anything else, I stuck my hand out and caressed his hair softly. He quickly shot up his head, looking at me with worry. I pull my hand back lying it on my stomach, when I do pain shoots through my side. I wince and quickly start feeling my right side, bandages covered it. I also notice bandages on both my wrists, probably from the chains. I look back at Shota, but he isn't looking at me. His head is hung low while he interlocks his fingers with his own.

"I'm sorry." He suddenly says.

"There is nothing to be sorry about."

"YES THERE IS!" He shouts standing up abruptly. He walks away to the window laying both hands on it.

"If I would have gone after you none of this would have happened. I never should have let you walk aw-"

"Stop." I fist the sheets under my hands and grit my teeth in anger. This isn't your fault. It's not even mine, this is my father's doings. Shota doesn't move away from the windowsill, all he does is stare outside, silently.

"This isn't your fault. Don't blame yourself." I say softly. His hands fall to his sides as he sulks back over to me.

"I'll get the doctor and All Might." And just like that, he left. I was left alone in the room only to hear the steady beeping of the heart monitor. Pain started to rush throughout me as I tried to push myself forward. I quickly stopped my movements and brought my hands up to my head. Why do I always hurt? Why must I suffer this much? I just want it to stop. I'm tired, so tired.

"Hikari!" Toshi's voice bellowed through my room as he slammed the door open. He just stood at the door his chest heaving roughly as he tried to manage his breathing. Tears began to seep out my eyes, they rolled down my cheeks and I didn't stop them.

"Dad..." Toshi's breath hitched at my new found word. I had never called him that and I never thought I would. Being trapped and tortured by my biological father opened my eyes to what Toshi is to me. I always guessed he was a father figure to me, but I leaned more to him being my hero. He's not just my hero. He is my father. I can and will accept it now.

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