Chapter 7: The Asswipe

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The car ride to UA was excruciatingly annoying. Toshi would not give me the time of day. He kept going on and on about us being late. The whole time I just stared out the window of the taxi, pretending to take in Toshinori's complaints.

When we arrived, we both got out the taxi and began walking towards the school. Toshi's body was tense. He's so nervous! It's hilarious! The number one hero scared of meeting his coworkers. Honestly I believe he will know most of them, since they are heroes. Well I am too, just not a big one. I don't need cameras or popularity, unlike Johnny Bravo walking next to me. Toshi had changed into his other form as soon as we got out the taxi. As we got closer to the entrance, we saw a white fuzzy creature standing there waiting. What the fuck is he? A mouse? Bear? Cat? Dog? Experiment 626?

"Principal Nezu." Toshi spoke in a low monotone voice.

"Hello, All Might. Is this your TA you have chosen?"

"Yes sir. This is my daughter, Hikari Yagi, or you can use her hero name, Heila." (Icelandic for brain)

"Hi." I said awkwardly looking down at the principal before me.

"I am very pleased to have you both as new staff members! Come follow me, I shall show you the way." Nezu turned on his heel walking into the school. The whole time we walked he talked about his fur, tea, and teacher philosophies. This is more boring than the car ride over here. Man I should've told him no about being his assistant. The campus tour took us over an hour, but after he was over he led us to a meeting room.

When he opened the door, all the teachers sat and gawked at the three of us. I awkwardly shifted my gaze around the room, until my eyes landed on a man with jet black hair and a grey scarf draped over his shoulders and neck. ITS THE ASSWIPE! My eyes widened at him, in both anger and happiness. I was still so angry about my cigarette, but was grateful that karma was on my side. Now I don't have to look for the smudge bastard. Here he is sitting right in front of me. My anger seeped to my brain and I hurriedly sped over to him.

"Remember me, asswipe?!?" I yelled slamming my hands on the table in front of him. The man in front of me seemed bored and raised an eyebrow. His ebony hair hung to his shoulders and his black eyes pierced into my soul. Why the hell does his eyes look so damn dry?

"No." That's all this little shit has to say?!

"You should! You knocked my damned cigarette out my hand and told me to be 'grateful'." I said sarcastically as I air quoted the word grateful.

"Don't remember. It's a bad habit, so if I did I did do you a favor." His eyes never left mine as he crossed his arms.

"Why you little-"

"HIKARI!" All Might yelled. I turned my head to look behind me. Every single teacher was staring at me, shock filled their eyes. Huffing I took my hands off the table and turned towards all the other teachers.

"I apologize for my sudden outburst. It was very rude and unprofessional." I said bowing before them. A blonde haired guy with a speaker around his neck started to laugh, loudly Might I add.

"Holy shit, Aizawa! Good impression on the new TA here!" The blonde yelled pointing to the ebony haired man behind me. Aizawa, huh?

"Principal Nezu, I apologize again."

"Oh it is quite alright my dear. We all have our moments!" He said cheerfully. I looked at Toshi who just stared down at me with disappointment. Great. I'm gonna be hearing this the whole ride home. Maybe I can just walk home, that way he can take a taxi without me and I'll be spared from his lectures.

"Staff, here are the two new members! Of course all of you know All Might and this is his teacher's assistant, Hikari Yagi or hero name Heila! Give a round of applause to our new staff members." Nezu said cheerfully, everyone clapped instead of him. Rude shit. I've never hated someone so much before and I just met the man. He could've said sorry that day! Is it that hard to do such a simple act?!?

The meeting lasted only about twenty minutes, and afterwards I was approached by the blonde man. I found out his hero name was Present Mic.

"You are my bestfriend now!" Mic said stretching out his right hand.

"May I ask why?"

"You showing Aizawa you aren't one to be fucked with! It was the most amazing thing I've ever seen!" His voice boomed through the speakers. Jesus why the hell is he so loud?!?

"Look, Present Mic-"

"Hizashi. Call me Hizashi. You are a fellow staff member you don't have to call me by my hero name." He said nervously as he rubbed the back of his neck.

"Right. Well Hizashi, thanks for the friend offer, but I'll have to decline. I'm here for All Might and work." I didn't mean to sound rude, just my normal blunt words. If he knew me he wouldn't take it seriously. Hizashi just smiled at me and stuck his right arm out further.

"Doesn't hurt to have friends! Besides you and Aizawa's attitudes are the same! I can roll with it! It'll be nice working with you!" His smile never faltered. I reached my hand out and shook his.

"Likewise." Hizashi smiled and walked off waving at me. He stopped next to Aizawa who was standing by the door. I looked to Aizawa and he immediately looked at the ground. They both turned their backs to me and stalked out the room. So Aizawa. That's his name. I'll have a better time here if I just stayed clear of him. I mean honestly, he's very handsome. His hair is like a black waterfall cascading over rocks. WHAT THE HELL AM I THINKING?!? NO! He's an inconsiderate son of a bitch and I want nothing to do with him! That's final!

Aizawa's POV

"Yo you gotta admit she's hot." Hizashi said as we walked down the hallways. I just want to go home and get in bed.

"You just met her."

"Doesn't mean I can't say she looks hot!" Rolling my eyes, I stuck my hands in my pocket and kept walking. Hizashi kept talking, but I could care less what he really said. I know it wasn't important.

"Did you really knock a cigarette out her hand and not apologize? If you did, dick move."

"If I did, I don't remember." I said lowly. Truth be told, I do remember that day. The way her hair was, the clothes, and yes the cigarette. I remember the whole incident. It wasn't that big of a deal so I let on like I didn't know what she was talking about. I can't believe she got mad over the cigarette and not me literally dislocating her damn shoulder as hard as I hit her. I chuckled lightly to myself at my own thoughts.

"What's so funny? I want to laugh to!"

"No. Shut up." Hizashi just sighed and pouted like a child. She is very interesting, I'll give her that.

"Savior" {Aizawa x OC}Where stories live. Discover now