Chapter 31: Dork

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Okay guys, I know y'all been wanting some smut/lemon so I bless you with this! Just a little warning, it will be detailed, so if you don't want to read that is fine. Although, I will say the smut/lemons are important to the story and the characters relationship between each other. I'll also put warnings on the chapters to let y'all if it's a lemon. Anyways, that's all, I hope you enjoy!


Instead of walking the rest of the way home, Shota calls a cab for us. I slip into the back while Shota sits right beside me, his hands are pushed into his pockets. Gosh, I'm so nervous. Like how do I even initiate it? Does he even want to do anything like that with me? I don't even think I'll be good, this might have been a bad idea. What if it hurts like last time? No, Shota wouldn't hurt me like they did.

I lean over holding my stomach feeling nauseous at the thought of being touched by other men. I suddenly feel Shota's warm calloused hand grab my knee. I immediately flinch and quickly look up at him.

"Are you okay?" His eyebrows are pushed inward as he gives me a confused look.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I then feel his hand grip my knee a little tighter.

"You are terrible at lying." I shift my eyes from his and lean my head against his broad shoulder.

"I was just... thinking about what happened that night." I mumble into his shoulder, his body stiffens, but his hand loosens on my knee. He doesn't speak, he only kisses the top of my head and rubs my leg in a comforting manner.

We finally arrive back home, which I'm grateful for because now I'm not in the "mood" anymore. I knew thinking about that would sour my mood. I'm stupid for thinking about it. I'm scared when I sleep or even do anything with Shota I'll see those bastards faces... I don't want that, it would hurt me and I know it would hurt him.

I head upstairs once we enter the house wanting to change out of my clothes. I want something comfy so the only thing I wear is one of Shota's black shirts that goes down to my mid thigh. Walking back downstairs I take a seat on the couch and grab a pillow hugging it tightly to my body.

I really am a fucking idiot. I just... I just want to be with Shota. I'm just... scared. I don't know what to do now. I feel the couch sink under Shota's body as he sits next to me, arms spreading across the back of the couch.

"Why were you thinking of that night?" He suddenly asks making me choke on my own air.


"I don't like repeating myself. Now, stop being a pain and tell me." I quietly sit there not wanting to tell Shota I started thinking about it because I was thinking about him. I can't tell him about what I was planning and then aborted it because I started thinking of all those nights the men took advantage of me. That would hurt his feelings and I don't want him to think I associate him with those fucking monsters. What if I'm not good enough for him, in that way?

"Shota, what if I'm not good enough for you?" I look towards him my eyes half lidded.


"Am I good enough for you? Will I be able to, I don't know, fulfill your needs?" I awkwardly shift my eyes away from his, trying to hide the embarrassment in my face. I hear him chuckle next me to and he grabs my hand forcefully. Surprised by his sudden force, I turn my head towards his and find his face only inches away from mine.

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