Chapter 29: Shut Up Already

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"Hikari, wake up." I hear someone faintly whisper in my ear. Peeking an eye open, Shota stares down at me, his hair tickling my cheeks. I roll over on my stomach and pull the covers over my head.

"I just want to sleep." I mumble closing my tired eyes in the process.

"I know, but you have work and so do I."

"I'm just going to stay home." Suddenly the covers are ripped off my fragile body and the cold air meets my skin. Chills cover my body and I clench my jaw at his childish action. Always so cold in this house.

"Get up. We have to take Kenzou to school, the past few times Hizashi took him. I'm not putting that kid through that again." I take a pillow and cover my face groaning in the process.

"It'll be good for you, Hikari. It will relieve some of that pain and guilt that's writhing insi-"

"Okay! I'm getting up!" I frustratingly yell as I hop out his bed. I don't make eye contact with him as I storm out the room making my way to my own. Asshole. He was fine last night, but this morning he's just pissing me off. I don't understand why I have to go, I barely work anyways, and I definitely don't make a difference when it comes to helping Toshi.

I take a quick shower and hurriedly dress myself in a long tan skirt and a blue button up dress shirt. No need for makeup or blow drying my hair, I look like a mess so why try to hide it? I shrug my shoulders as I slip on pump heels and make my way downstairs.

Shota is already waiting for me at the bottom, glaring intensely at him, I stick my chin out walking right past him. I hear his feet shuffle and a hand wraps around my forearm, tightly.

"Watch yourself." He warns in a low masculine voice that makes my skin prickle.

"The same goes for you, Shota." I snatch my forearm away and open the door. Of course, we take a taxi to Kenzou's apartment, and of course, the whole ride we didn't speak. He's really pissing me off this morning. I don't know why, but oh ho he is.

"Let's get the kid." He says stepping out the taxi.


"I know his name." He sternly comments back, walking in front of me.

"Then use it." I mumble under my breath, he stops in his tracks and I hear him take a long exasperated breath. Afterwards, he keeps walking forward not deepening the conversation anymore.

We make it up to his room, and Shota lightly knocks at the door. On the second knock, Kenzou swings it open and beams happiness at me and Shota.

"Thank God! Mr. Might Blow Out Your Eardrums was about to wear me down. Where the hell have you been?" He asks leaning his head to the side.

"Language." Shota comments, which Kenzou and I ignore.

"Up shit creek with my mouth wide open." Kenzou chuckles as he locks his door, but Shota glares daggers at me.

"Alright, lets go Uneasy 1 and Uneasy 2!" Kenzou rushes past us, Shota and I follow slowly but surely. The walk to school consisted of Kenzou telling us everything we've missed and how him and Shinso have gotten really close.

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