Chapter 22: Mentor

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Shota and I finally were going back to school today, knowing the sports festival was right around the corner. I guess since I didn't sleep at all last night I can go ahead and start on breakfast. Quickly getting to my feet, I make my way downstairs. What does he even like for breakfast? Wow, I really don't know much about him. I'll have to make it a point to get to know him better.

I make my way over to the coffee pot sitting beside the stove and begin brewing it, for myself. Pulling a couple of pans from under the cabinets I start on breakfast. Finally, the steamed rice, miso soup, and grilled salmon was ready and it was time to wake him up. I'm not really hungry, so coffee will do. As I make my way back upstairs, I notice Shota making his way down.

"Oh, you are already awake?"

"No, I'm sleep walking." Narrowing my eyes, I abruptly turn away from him walking back to the kitchen.

"Well, I fixed you breakfast, but if you are gonna be a grouch I'll just eat it myself." I hear a light chuckle from behind me as Shota takes a seat on the barstool.

"Thank you." I notice he still has the bandages on his arms. Last night was a struggle for him to eat, maybe I could help him out.

"You know, I can help you if you want me to?"

"No, it's quite alright. I will suffice." He gently lifts the bowl of soup to his lips closing his eyes in the process. I watch him closely as he helps himself to the breakfast I made. Really impressive how he manages to do anything with his arms like that. They are healing really fast, so maybe Recovery Girl can lend a hand.

"Is there something on my face?" His brow raised at my dumbfounded look.

"What can I not look at you? Geez, don't be such a douche." My face reddening as I turn away from him walking towards the coffee pot. Pouring a cup, I lift it to my lips and begin feeling a rush of energy and stoutness from it. I take my coffee in both hands and take a seat right beside Shota. In my peripheral vision, I see him staring at me as well like I did to him.

"There something on my face too?" I spat at him in a harsh but playful tone. Seeing him quickly divert his eyes away from me, a grin forms on my lips. He's so freaking shy. It's cute. We sit in silence until he finishes with his breakfast. He tries to take his plate and bowl from the countertop, but I counter his movements by snatching them away from him.

"I got this. You just go get ready, I don't want to be waiting on you."

"Tch, in reality, it's always me waiting on you."

"Yeah, yeah, just go get ready." Taking his defeat she saunters his way back upstairs. After cleaning up in the kitchen, which took longer with one arm, I make my way back up to my room. Streaking my clothes carefully and gently unwrapping my arm, I try to put on my hero costume. I manage to finally get it on, but I can't zip it in the back. Work with me please! Please just zip up. PLEASE!

Struggling many times with the zipper, I take a seat on the bed to catch my breath. This is a freaking work out. I need someone to zip it for me, but Shota can't because he don't have arms to do it. Ugh, I wouldn't want him to see my ugly ass back anyways.

"Are you ready yet?" I hear Shota call out from the other side of my bedroom door.

"If I can zip this damn thing I will be! Wait just a second and I'll be ready." I jump to my feet and fumble with the zipper in my left hand. I get about halfway up my back and can't go up anymore. I try to quickly change my arm position from around my back to over my shoulder before the zipper goes back down, but fail in the process.

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