Chapter 30: Good Friend

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"Hikari are you even listening to me?" Toshi taps on my leg and I stare off into space.

"Wait what?" I shake myself out of my thoughts and look at him innocently.

"What's got you all sidetracked?" He quirks his brow, my cheeks flush a bright red at the thought of Shota.

"Oh, uh, it's nothing."

"Is it something Aizawa said to you out in the hallway?" My eyes widen and I bite my bottom lip at the thought of Shota kissing my neck.

"Wh-what n-no? It's nothing."

"Mhm, yeah whatever you say. Anyways like I was saying, Gran Torino has decided to take in Young Midoryia."

"Oh what really? Well that's good for him." I peer over at Toshi as he bounces his leg up and down in a fast pace. I giggle at his reaction to his old teacher. He really is scared of that old bastard. The symbol of peace trembling at the thought of a fast dwarf. Pitiful. Reaching over I place my hand on his bouncing leg trying to reassure him.

"What are you afraid of? Him telling the kid stuff or his brutal tactics?"

"Both. Young Midoryia doesn't need to know about all of it yet."

"Toshi. You don't need to hide the important stuff from your protégé."

"I know, it's just not time yet."

"Sooner or later it will be." I feel Toshi's body tense under my grip. I know he hasn't told me everything either, but I know more than most. I trust him to make the right decision on when to tell him.

"Crap, Aizawa forgot the internship sign up sheets. Do you mind taking them since, uh, you know." Toshi says pointing to his little physique.

"Yeah I don't mind." I walk over to the table and grab the sheets, waving Toshi off I leave the lounge. On my way to his classroom, my hands start to sweat and my mind gets a little wobbly.

Get it together, Hikari! I mean you'll be in front of his entire class, don't get all flustered. Talk about embarrassing... Embarrassing, yes very embarrassing. Since he pissed me off this morning I guess a little payback wouldn't kill anyone. I evilly grin to myself as I idly stand at the class 1-A doorway. I lightly knock waiting for him to say I can come in.

"Come in." Here we go. Stay calm, content, and strong. You got this, girl. When I enter all eyes are on me, making my hands even more clammy.

"Miss Heila, what do you need?" Shota asks casually as he narrows his eyes.

"Hey, aren't you the teacher at the USJ that fought against bird brain?!?" A kid with red hair and spiked teeth asks as he points at me as he stands from his chair.

"Kirishima, pointing is rude." Shota glares at his student, making me slightly giggle when he slowly takes his seat.

"It's okay, Aizawa, and yes I am."

"You were so awesome out there! I hope you feel much better!" Mina shines brightly at me as she speaks. Well at least I remember her name.

"I'm feeling much better, a villain like that can't take me down that easy." I thumb my chest as I smile brightly back at the class.

"Savior" {Aizawa x OC}Where stories live. Discover now