Chapter 25: Fun Facts, Festival, & Fear

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Two Weeks Later

"WHY DO YOU CONSISTENTLY MAKE US LATE?!?" Shota yells from downstairs as I slip into my hero outfit.

Fun fact about Mr. Shota himself: Does not like to wait on anyone, especially not me.

I only chuckle at his words, knowing full well he will forgive me. Living with Shota really has changed me, he even paid for my medication because my nightmares were getting worse. He is also very fun to be around, our personalities are so different and it's quite entertaining when we clash. Also, I can't even see myself going back to live at my apartment. The only thing, well person, I miss is Kaii. I hope he's doing well.


"JESUS STOP BUSTING MY BALLS! I MEAN MY TITS ARE OUT, SO IF YOU WANT ME LEAVING LIKE THAT I WILL!" I yell back with a little more crudeness behind my tone. I wait for a reply, but he doesn't give one. Yeah, that's what I thought.

Another fun fact about Mr. Shota himself: Gets all weird when I mention anything sexual; I
it's actually really entertaining when I do it also. I think I've come to the conclusion he's a virgin as well, and that story was very amusing.


"Hikari, why do we have to watch this?" Shota lightly shakes his head as the TV Show on cuts to a sex scene.

"It's just a sex scene, don't be such a limp noodle, Sho." I look over at him, only to see a tint of red covering his cheeks. I chuckle and turn up the volume, while evilly smirking at him. The kissing from the actors becomes louder and louder until Shota can't take it anymore.

"WILL YOU TURN THAT SHIT OFF!?!" His agitated tone just adds fuel to the fire that I've set ablaze.

"Why?!? It's such a cute scene."

"No, it's not. All they are doing is sucking each others faces off. You need to change it befo-" Just as Shota was about to finish his sentence, moans and two naked people screwing are streaming from the TV.

"FUCKING HELL!! TURN IT DOWN! NO JUST TURN IT OFF!" He leaps from his chair and runs towards his TV to find the volume or power button. I bust out laughing as he struggles with the buttons with both his arms in a sling. He frantically searches as the noises get louder and louder, causing me to hunch over in laughter as I hold my stomach tightly. I finally get my fill of laughter from his panicked actions and cut the TV off.

"That was the funniest shit I've ever seen!" He turns towards me glaring daggers into my soul.

"I'm glad I could amuse you."

"You act like you've never seen a naked woman before." I tease him. He looks awkwardly at the ground, as he silently walks back to his chair. Woah woah woah, has he really never seen a naked woman? I mean when he saved me I was half naked, but like hasn't he had sex before?

"So, Sho-"

"Any questions you are about to ask will be left unanswered."


End Flashback

That's whenever I first came to the conclusion, but his personal life isn't any of my business so I just left it alone. Even though I still joke and ask if he will watch the show with me again. His answer is always no of course.

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