Chapter 23: Dangerous

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I stomp my way over to the teachers lounge, thinking of all the things to say to Toshi.

"TOSHINORI YAGI!" I yell as I roughly open the door. When I do, Toshi is no where in sight, but Shota sits on the couch eyeing me.

"Are you alright?" Shota questions my actions, even though the bandages cover his face I know he's grinning at me.

"Shouldn't you be in class?" I question right back at him.

"All we had to discuss was the sports festival. After that, I let Hizashi take over."

"Oh." Flashbacks of his nose tracing my skin, make the tips of my ears feel hot. Ugh, why do I get so flustered?!? I mean he was just helping me out this morning, but it's the way he did it. Makes me think... I take a seat next to Shota, while I stare down at my bandaged arm.

"Hey, Shota?"


"Can I ask you something?"

"Even if I said no, you'd ask anyways." I roll my eyes, but never make eye contact with the intimidating man next to me.

"Why don't you have a girlfriend?" I hear his breath hitch at my question.

"Well, there are many reasons."


"Hmph. First, I don't have time. Second, it's a lot of work. Third, I haven't found the right one. Yet." At his last word, I see him glance at me. A tint of red spreads across my cheeks as I grin to myself.

"I see."

"I could ask you the same question."

"Oh well... I have trust issues. Especially after 'that' happened to me. I haven't had good experiences with men."

"Why don't you try woman?" I gasp at his comment and playfully swat his arm. I like how he doesn't pity me when I mention that. He always tries to lighten the mood, I need to thank him for that. I hear a light chuckle leave him which sounds like music to my ears. I grin up at him while his soft eyes pull me into his trance. I watch him closely as his eyes shift slightly as he looks at my facial features. His deep black eyes stare into my soul as I lean in closer towards him. Why? Why am I drawn so much to this man? I notice his body stiffen with every inch I move closer to his face.

"This is dangerous." Shota says lightly as he diverts his eyes away from me.

"I'm a hero. I-I run towards danger, not away from it." I wanted to brush my lips against his, but the bandages were going to stop my actions. Does Shota even want me like that? Instead of kissing his lips covered by bandages, I set my lips on his forehead and lightly kiss the bandages there. I feel him relax as I pull my hand into his hair.

I then push my forehead against his, closing my eyes in the process. Shota lightly pushes back against mine, we stay that way for a few minutes just soaking each other in. He finally pulls away from my grasp and my hand falls into my lap.

"You are something else, Hikari." Hearing my name leave his lips makes my face hot, but my body quake. He leans forward to where his bandaged lips are near my ear he speaks deeply.

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