Chapter 24: Masseuse

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Kenzou finished his first day of school and his feedback was, positive; to say the least. He has not place to live as of right now, so the school provided him with a apartment just a few miles away from the school. And as his "mentor" I'm obligated to get him to school, from school, and "take care" of him.

As of right now Shota, Kenzou, and I are walking to his apartment to drop him off, Kenzou causally talks about his day while I listen intuitively.

"Yeah, Shinso is pretty cool. He is kind of like me."

"Oh? Why do you say that?" I question raising a brow.

"His quirk. It's meant for evil deeds, yet he chose to put it towards helping others."

"Speaking of quirks, Kenzou, you never told me yours." I see him stop out of the corner of my eye, his head hung low passed his shoulders. His knuckles turning white as he grips his backpack tightly.

"Oh, well... it's um..."

"Spit it out already, boy." Shota speaks up for me as Kenzou fumbled for the right words to describe his quirk. My eyes soften at Kenzou as I see his pride and happiness slowly fade away into nothingness.

"Conformity. That's what it's called."

"Conformity? Meaning?"

"Conformity means obedience, Hikari. So you can control people to obey you?" Shota spats back at me. There he goes being a smartass again.

"Yes. Once I make skin to skin contact with someone or something, anything I request of them will be done. No matter what the consequences are." Kenzou's body tenses as he explains his quirk to us.

"Something? So it doesn't have to be human?" I ask, intrigued on how his quirk works.

"Yes. Anything that is living, I can control them. The only bad thing about my quirk is, I need a name for them to obey me as well as physical touch. Let's say I touch a random dog on the street and I want it to obey me, but without it owning a name, it won't obey me. I have to touch them and say their name, that's how his heinous quirk works. The League wanted me to work for them, so I could spy or even get people to join them. Like I said, this isn't a work for a hero. No, this is why I'm not cut out to be a hero. I've done awful things in the past using my quirk, and people fear me because of it."

Wow. What an incredibly powerful quirk. It would be so useful out on the field, and yet, Kenzou sees himself as a monster. I look at the broken boy standing in front of me and all I see is myself. I slowly make my way over to him and place my hand on top of his tangerine colored hair.

"Kenzou, you have an incredible quirk, and you have that logic backwards. A quirk doesn't make the person good or evil, only they make their quirk good or evil." I say in a comforting tone. I feel his body tense under my touch and he lifts his head to look at me with those eyes.

Those same eyes I saw the first time we met. The eyes of someone who has found hope, when they thought it would cease to exist. I begin to see tears forming at the base of his eyes, but he quickly shifts his eyes downward to avoid tension.

"Why do you believe in me? Someone like me?" I lift my hand from his head and gently pull him into my embrace. A slight surprised gasp leaves his mouth as I pull him closer into my embrace. I acknowledge his stiffened body and limp arms at his side, and from his reaction, he's never had someone show affection to him like this. He...he's exactly like me.

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