Chapter 21: Certain Feelings

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After I left Shota's room, I tried to go to sleep, but failed miserably. My nightmares were getting better with every night I stayed at Shota's house. But now ever since Shota and I were hurt, they keep coming back worse and worse. I'm starting to feel like my physical and mental pain is causing them, meaning I really need some new medicine. I keep telling myself that I need new medicine, but I always procrastinate when it really comes to it.

After tossing and turning for about ten minutes, I decide to just stay awake. Kicking the covers off me, I inch my way over to the side of the bed. My bare feet touch the cold floor making a shiver start from my feet and end at my head. I lean over to the nightstand, pulling the drawer open, a white package of cigarettes and a red hand lighter sits there with my name written all over them.

Damn, I haven't had one in forever. Probably because Shota doesn't like them. Oh well, he's asleep I'll just step out on the balcony and have a few. I smile down at the small package and lighter and take them into my hand. Pushing myself off the bed, I shuffled over to the sliding glass door. With every step, my oversized gray t-shirt hits the middle of my bare thigh sending bumps throughout my body from the cool air.

I eventually make it to the glass door and gently slide it open, the warm air outside makes a sigh leave my lungs. Feels a lot better out here than in the icebox inside. I lean over the railing and take a cigarette from the pack, lighting it, I lift it to my lips. The burning sensation in my throat makes my lips turn up into a grin. The smoke seeps from my mouth and nose with every puff I take.

In that moment I actually miss Kaii, he would be outside right now asking me a shit ton of questions. I would say I'm ready to go home, but I really like it here. Maybe I can just give him a call or something. He's probably really worried about me, well maybe he is. The wind begins to blow and I feel the warm outside air collide with the freezing air conditioning from the open door behind me. I close my eyes and bask in the moonlight above me. It's such a beautiful night, not a cloud in the sky blocking the stars or moon. I've missed how relaxing this is.

Shota's POV

Why can't I go to sleep? I never struggle to fall asleep, I mean I do sleep all the time. My head is just full of shit right now. I can't get the image of Hikari out my damn head. Her in pain... it angers me so much.

I keep seeing her bare body laying on the ground with blood around her as she clings to her own arms. Now I see her pinned to the ground with that bastard's hand on her throat. I couldn't even do anything to help her in that moment, I'm pathetic. Hell, I couldn't even stop her father from inflicting so much pain on her. If I didn't let her walk away from me at the club that night, she wouldn't have suffered so much.

Some hero I am.

I know she told me it's not my fault, but I still feel that burden on me like it is. All in all, I'm glad she's okay now. I'm honestly rather grateful she stayed here to help me, I would never admit this to her face, but I like her company.

Her personality is something that intrigues me; can go from crazy, yelling bitch to a soft, caring woman. She's a good change to the atmosphere around the house, but sooner or later she'll go back. Can't believe I'm even admitting this to myself, but she really is growing on me. She probably hates me with how I act, I just suck at expressing my emotions.

Well besides my main emotions like tired, aggravated, and neutral; but tonight she brought out a different side of me. I wanted to spill all my fears to her when she stood in front of me taking care of my injuries. She just looked so... worried and assuring. It's like I could tell her anything and she would be there for me no matter what spilled from my mouth. I wanted to tell her, but I just couldn't; the words wouldn't leave my lips as much as I tried.

I just laid my head on her, needing comfort and she did exactly that. It was really relaxing when she ran her fingers through my hair, no one has done that before. Probably because I never would let anyone do that, physical contact just isn't something I strive for; but if it's her touch, it's different. Her warmth, scent, skin, it was so intoxicating. She really is quite beaut-

Shaking my head to disperse my thoughts, I slowly lean up in the bed. I take a deep breath and slowly exhale pursing my lips, in the moment I smell a faint scent of cigarette smoke. No way in hell is she smoking in my goddamn house!

I try to hurriedly push myself out of bed, wincing in pain from the process. I stomp my way over to my door and open it with the inside of my forearm and bicep. Once the door is open, I begin to make my way over to her room. Oh she is about to get scolded for smoking in here! She knows I hate that damn smell! I'm going to bust up in there and tell her to take that shit ou-

My thoughts were halted when I peak through the crack of her door. She is leaning on the railing of her balcony with a cigarette in her left hand. Her face is slightly turned to the left as the moonlight reflects off her perfectly pale skin. My eyes scan her facial structures and slowly trace down her body until I notice she does not have any pants on. I quickly divert my eyes down away from her figure, face reddening in the process. How can I scold her when she's wearing something like that?!?

Trying to control my eyes, they act on their own as they revert back to her figure. With her leaning over the balcony like that, the gray t-shirt has ridden up on her body revealing her black lace panties. God I feel like such a perv... but I just can't keep my eyes off her. She's so alluring. I study the muscles in her thighs and calves as she taps her right foot on the concrete beneath her. I see the wind blow her shirt revealing a few faint scars on the lower part of her back just above her panties.

A twinge of anger surges through me as I remember the state she was in when I rescued her. My eyes trace up her body until they land on her face again. My anger seeps away when I see her facial expression; her eyes are closed and a small smile sits on her face as the wind blows a few pieces of sliver hair across her cheeks. She looks so at peace. I'll let her get away with it, this time. I don't want to disturb her, and also I really don't want her to catch me. I really think she'd give me a piece of her mind if she did.

Imagining her yelling and calling me a pervert for peaking makes a smile creep on my face and I close my eyes turning away from her room. I never want that smile to leave your face, Hikari. I'll never let anyone take that away from you; your happiness, your smile, or even your damn cigarettes. I'll protect you, even if you don't want me to, I will. This feeling I have towards you, is confusing; I've never felt this way before, but I like it.

I'm really not certain about any of my other feelings, but I'm certain about this one.

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