Chapter 10: Not Again!

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I was awaken from my nap by nightmares, again. This is getting annoying. I need to set up another appointment with my doctor to up the dosage. Sighing I look at my clock, 5:33. Mhm, I should get up and start getting ready I guess. I quickly got up and headed to the bathroom to shower. After a ten minute shower, I walked to my nightstand and noticed I had a text message from Hizashi.

The Loud Sexy MF: Heyo! So would you like us to pick you up?

Hikari: It's okay. I'll just catch a cab there.

The Loud Sexy MF: I wouldn't mind picking you up!! Me and Shota are riding together so there is definitely enough room for one more😎

Hikari: It's seriously fine. I'll just text you when I get there.

The Loud Sexy MF: Okkkkk, we will see you there!

I put my phone back on the nightstand to charge. I slowly took the wrapped towel from my head and started to dry my hair with it. Damn, my hair has gotten so freaking long. It hangs all the way past my ass now. I think it's about time for a trim. I still had a towel wrapped around my body as I looked through my closet trying to decide what to wear tonight. I've never been to a bar. Or out with anyone besides Toshi. What do I even wear? Something nicer or casual? Crap I don't even know. Ha I know who to ask! I quickly got dressed in an oversized T-shirt and sweatpants and ran out my apartment. I began banging on Kaii's door.

"Who the fuck is it?"

"Hikari." The doorknob slowly started turning until the door opened. Kaii was shirtless and only in basketball shorts.

"Um, some clothes would be nice." I said shielding my eyes with my hand.

"Whatttt?? I think I look pretty damn hot like this."

"Sure whatever you say. Look I need a little help." I unshielded my eyes only to notice he didn't change or even move. He just smirked at me as I rolled my eyes.

"Whatcha need help with?"

"Well... I'm kinda... going out tonight." I looked up at him nervously. He just smirked even greater, soon it would turn to a grin. Little shit likes seeing me like this. I hate him.

"Go on."

"I don't know what to wear." He looked at me questioningly, raising a brow.

"That's all?"

"What do you mean that's all?" My eyes were narrowed now.

"Thought it was something important that's all. Also, when do you care about what people think?" I just poked out my bottom lip and tighten my fists.

"FINE! ILL PICK OUT MY OWN SHIT!" I started to stomp away from his door and back to mine when I heard Kaii finally speak.

"Where are you going?" I turn my head to the side to look over my shoulder.

"A bar." Crossing his arms and nodding he thought for a minute.

"Wear that black jumpsuit Toshi got you for your birthday. At a bar, there will be dancing and drinking. You don't want too much attention drawn to you, so the color black will suffice. Then of course, looking nice when going to a bar or club is always a plus. That's what I think you should wear, but in the end it's your decision." I turned my head back around and nodded.


"Also, do your makeup and hair. There must be a handsome guy going since you are getting worked up over clothes." I instantly tensed at his words. I was about to say a smartass comment, but Kaii already shut his apartment door. Black jumpsuit, hair, and makeup. If I'm doing all that I need to hurry.

Two Hours Later

Finally I was ready, it was now 7:45. Shit. Well looks like imma be a little late. Oh well. I took one last glance in the mirror. I had on my black jumpsuit with tan stilettos, makeup done, and my hair straight. Yep, I guess I look fine. I can't do much with my hair since it's so long. I just keep it naturally straight. Satisfied with the results, I leave my apartment. As I make my way to the road, I signal a taxi. I get in and tell him to take me to Bottoms Up.

Twenty-two minutes later, I finally make it to the bar. I instantly take my phone out my pocket and start to text Hizashi. Just as my phone was in my hand, someone bumped into me making my phone fall screen first on the ground and me fall on my butt. NOT AGAIN! WHY DOES THIS SHIT ALWAYS HAPPEN TO ME? CANT I EVER GET A BREAK?! I grab the person's pants leg and yank them back.

"Listen here shit for brains! You just made me-" I stopped my sentence when I saw who it was. You've got to be shitting me? Aizawa stood in front of me in black pants and a black button up shirt. His hair was also in a bun. Woah. He looks really fucking sexy with that bun. I didn't even deny my thoughts because they were true. His eyes widened when he looked into my eyes. He stood there for a few seconds drinking me in and I did the same. I blinked a few times breaking our eye contact and leaned over to grab my phone. It's going to be shattered I know it is. This is the second fucking time and watch his sorry ass not even say sorry. Before I could reach my phone, Aizawa picked it up and held out a hand for me. I just looked up at him dumbfounded until he chuckled.

"Are you going to take my hand or not?" I obliged and took it. His hand is so warm and big. Honestly, I would've thought he'd have bitch hands, but he doesn't. They feel, calloused.

"Thanks." I said lightly.

"Welcome and here is your phone." I quickly let go of his hand and snatched my phone. I slowly turned my phone over, not even a scratch. I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding them glared at Aizawa.

"This is the second time you've done this! You really need to watch where you are walking!" I spat at him.

"Or. Maybe you should watch where you are standing." He fires back at me. ASSWIPE! I want to beat his ass! RIGHT HERE RIGHT NO-

"I'm sorry." He said under his breath. He just stood there, hands in pockets and nudging the tip of his shoe on the sidewalk. Finally! That's all I wanted to hear. Jesus, took him long enough.

"It's fine. It's not broken and I can always buy more cigarettes." His eyes quickly darted to mine and his lips turned up into a smirk.

"That's the only apology you are getting."

"That's the only one I wanted, asswipe." He chuckled under his breath.

"Where is Hizashi?"

"He parked the car and I'm waiting on him."

"Gotcha." We stood there in a tense atmosphere until I saw Hizashi walking towards us. He had on nice khaki pants, penny loafers, a ridiculous white button up shirt with little martini glasses on it, and hair in a bun also.

"Holy shit, Hikari! You are looking hot with that jumpsuit on!" Hizashi said when he finally met up with us. I quickly shifted my eyes to the ground and played with the tips of my hair to avoid any awkward tension. I noticed Aizawa had elbowed him in the side, but didn't think twice about it.

"Hizashi, no need to keep the others waiting. Let's go in already." Aizawa said in a low monotone voice.

"RIGHT! Let's get our drink on!" Hizashi said as he pushed us past the line outside bar. This is going to be a long night.

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