Chapter 8: Entrance Exams

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After Aizawa and Hizashi walked out together, I just stood there crossing my arms as I stared at the door. Since we will be working together I should just drop it honestly. I know I said just to stay away from him, but dropping it it would be easier. That would be the best for me and him. Toshinori had shrunk to his regular size when he walked up to me. He looked at me with a shit eating grin on his face.

"What?" I questioned.

"Oh, I was just thinking if you would've told me it was Aizawa then I would've said not to worry too much about it."

"Well shit Toshi I didn't ask for his fucking name when he took out my goddamn shoulder and cigarette."

"I guess you are right. Although what you did was completely unnecessary." Rolling my eyes I turned my head to the side. Yep here comes the lecture from Small Might himself.

"Don't worry yourself, Hikari. I'm not going to lecture you. Aizawa is... well... Aizawa."

"What does that mean?"

"Well, I've known that man for a while now. He certainly is different, and very hardcore. Honestly, you both are very similar."

"Toshi I can tell you one thing, me and that man are very two different people."

"Okay okay, we are done here so wanna go home?"

"Yeah." On the way home Toshi told me that school would start in seven months, and I was to start preparing. Maybe it won't be too bad. Also it'll help making a little extra money. I have now until the entrance exams. Plenty of time to prepare.

Day of the Entrance Exams

I've been awake since 3:27a.m. so I know I won't be late today. Toshi said he was busy before the exams, so I was going to school by myself. The exams will start at eight and right now it's 7:07, so if I leave here around 7:15 I should make it there in plenty of time. I already had my Hero outfit on and everything together. All I had to do was brush my teeth. After I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth, I was heading out the door. As I was locking my door I saw Kaii locking his as well. He glanced over at me and grinned at me.

"Finally starting your secret mission, huh?"

"Kaii, you gotta drop that. It's not a secret mission, I'm not a damn spy. I just don't want to tell you because you might blab your trap."

"Touché. Anyways, but really, have a good day."

"You too." I said walking away from the apartments. I signaled a taxi and told him to drop me off at UA High. We finally arrived there twenty minutes later, I paid him and got out. When I began walking towards the front doors a voice called out to me.


I turned to see Hizashi and Aizawa walking together. Hizashi was waving at me like a lunatic while Aizawa kept his hands in his pockets and eyes on the ground. I stopped walking and waited for them to catch up to me.

"Good morning, Miss Yagi!" Hizashi said a little louder than I wanted.

"Hizashi, just call me Hikari. No need for formalities."

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