~Author Note~

2.3K 29 8

I'm really sorry I haven't updated my story in a while, just a lot has been going on. To name a few: Work, school, family, and to top it all I've been sick, so that's always fun, whoo hoo!🤦‍♀️

Don't worry, I haven't forgotten about good ole Hikari and Shota, their relationship is just starting to bloom! Anyways, if my internet is back up tonight I'll try to update it tonight (internet was down because a tornado tore power lines down). If it doesn't get fixed tonight I'll definitely update tomorrow!

I'm sorry again for leaving y'all hanging! Also, I'm really proud that my story has almost gotten 3k reads, like WHAT?!? It's insane! I have my readers to thank for that! Alright, I'm done flapping my gums, I got to get back to work before I get caught! Peace✌️


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