Chapter 18: Now Watch

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I need to find Shota, and fast. The information I've been given can mean life or death for everyone here. My fingers dig into the palms of my hands as I run to find the hand-guy. Yeah, Kenzou must of meant the guy that came out the portal with all the palms on him.

As I top a hill of the USJ, I look down widening my eyes at the scene before me. Shota is attacking the guy with all the hands, they both stop and Shota's hair falls. I then look and see Shota's elbow crumble away just by the guys touch. What kind of quirk is that? I grit my teeth and rush towards Shota, but he manages to push the villain away and retreat. He then is surrounded by villains, I take a leap and land in the middle of them with him.

"What the hell are you doing, Hikari?!?"

"Helping you out. Are you okay?"

"I'll manage." Then the hand guy talks to Shota about being good at stealthy shit, but I keep my attention to the villains surrounding us. One villain lunges at us, but I easily block his attack and counter with a fist right to his abdomen. Shota fights the other two villains with one arm, as I finish the guy that lunged at me. We both turn towards the villain with the hands, but he just stands there in awe.

"Look at you still standing, you really are so cool. Now you have a little help from this woman, I don't think I know you." The guys voice was scratchy, and his words were childish.

"Forget the formalities. What weapon do you have that can kill All Might?!?" I spat narrowing my eyes.

"Oh? You mean him?" He says as he points behind us. We both turn around to see a large purple creature with a beak and a brain peaking out the top of his head. What the fucking shit is that?! I see his arm raise and it comes down in the direction of Shota. I quickly push my body in front of him and the bird like creature grabs hold of my shoulder with a crushing grip. I feel my bones cracking as he applies more pressure when he lifts me off the ground.

Shota wraps his scarf around the things neck and pushes off the ground trying to connect his knee to its face. It catches Shota by the throat mid air and keeps him at bay. Maybe I can use my quirk and control him. I look right into his eyes and catch him, but I wasn't prepared on what was about to happen.

"KILL! Help m- KILL! I don't want th- KILL! Please sto- KILL!" I feel all his pain and suffering. My head aches, but I try to keep him under my control.

"No. You'll di- KILL!" I then see all the experiments and traumatic events that have happened to this man before he became this. The pain is too much for me to bear as my head pounds with pain. Right as I release my quirk, my shoulder bones are broken underneath his grip. A bloodcurdling scream leaves my lips as he tosses me to the ground. Oh God... that man... what they did to him... I felt it. So much... pain... it hurts.

All I can do is lay on the ground as I try to recover from what I saw and felt. The pain in my shoulder is a little scratch to what my head is feeling. I glance down to see how my shoulder looks, my bone pokes through my skin as blood trickles down it. I lift my eyes to see what is happening Shota and he's face down on the ground as the bird creature is on top of him. He holds him down with one hand while the other grips his right arm. Blood covers the ground where Shota lies helpless and immobile.

No. I can't have him hurt. Deal with the pain, Hikari. You've been through worse, save him and the students. I try to push myself off the ground with my good arm as I get my wire ready. I'm suddenly pushed back to the ground feeling weight on my back.

"Try to move and I'll make you into a nice pile of dust." The voice belongs to the hand guy. I try to push against him, but the weight on my back is too great. I can't move. My eyes are bleeding I can feel it dripping down my cheeks. My right shoulder is shattered and my body is shaken by what I saw. I can't fight back.

"I want you to watch this." I feel his hot breath right next to my ear as he speaks in a low tone. I look at Shota when I hear him start to grunt in pain. The bird like creature takes his right arm and slowly shatters the bone making Shota cry out. I see blood began to flow down his arm, the bone probably snapped right through his skin.

"NO! STOP!" I yell, but I'm met with an elbow pushing my face to the ground.

"You can erase people's powers. That's irritating, but it's nothing impressive. When faced with true devastating power, you might as well be a quirkless child." His menacing voice says towards Shota. I see Shota slowly turn his head and then his hair his lifted from his face. Right as he does that, the creature smashes his hand down hard on Shota's other arm. The cry from him pierced my ears and I feel my eyes start to sting. Please stop. Don't hurt him anymore, please. I close my eyes and turn away from him.

"Stop. Please. Hurt me, not him." I manage to say as a tear mixes with my blood as it trails down my face.

"Oh don't worry I will. But first, I like to see you suffering like this. It's amusing. NOW WATCH!" I suddenly feel my head being jerked upright. Shota's body trembles underneath the creature as blood runs down both his arms and forehead. The monster then lifts Shota's head and slams it back down on the ground, hard. Anger surges through my body and I'm able to lift the guy off me. Pain shoots through my shoulder, but I couldn't care less.

I shoot a wire at the creature, when it locks in his skin I pull myself to him. Just as I'm about to land a kick, I'm caught mid air by the throat. The creature tightens his grip around me and slams me down to the ground. I feel the air leave my lungs and no new oxygen fills them because the hand blocking my airway. I struggle for air, but the grip around my neck only tightens the more I struggle. My free hand tries to pry his grip from my body, but I fail miserably.

I then see commotion in my peripheral vision to the right, the hand guy makes his way towards three students. No. No. NO! He'll kill them and I can't do anything! I can't see the girls eyes to make her move! WHAT DO I DO?!? Just as he puts his fingers on the girls face, nothing happens.

"You really are so cool, Eraserhead." The villain says with a lowered head. I shift my eyes towards Shota, his hair is raised and his blood shot eyes stare directly at him. Blood seeps down his face as he struggles to keep his eyes open for his quirk. The monster then lifts him off the ground and slams his face down once again, hard.

JESUS, I CANT DO SHIT! I try to use my quirk on him again, but red fills my vision. I grunt and feel my body being slammed to the ground, cracking it by the impact. I light scream leaves my lips, as the hand is still curled around my neck. Suddenly the hand leaves my throat and I take a deep breath, coughing up blood in the process.

Not caring about anything else, I look towards Shota. I don't care about anything right now but Shota. Please be breathing. Please be okay. I slowly pull myself towards Shota laying my hand on his, I search for a pulse and find one. Relieved, I lay my cheek to the ground as I try to recover my strength. My head is spinning. My shoulder, throat, and head hurts so much. I can't think straight, and I'm so tired. I manage to pull my whole body on top of Shota, trying to protect him from anything that comes near us.

"I'll pr-protect you Sh-Shota." I manage to squeak out. We lay there for a few minutes until I feel my body being lifted off Shota and the ground. No. I'LL PROTECT HI- I peak open an eye and see Toshi staring down at me. His face is filled with worry, sadness and even anger as he glances back and forth to the people in his arms.

"Hikari. Aizawa. I'm sorry, I should've been here." He says lowly as he carries us in his arms. I feel one stray tear fall from my face and I close my eye slipping away into unconsciousness.

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