Chapter 12: Broken

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It's so cold. Where am I? I slowly try to open my eyes, but I'm only met with darkness. I try pulling my body forward, but I'm held back by something. When I move my arms I hear the rattling of chains. Oh right. My father, he has taken me. I blink feeling something over eyes. Fuck, I can't use my quirk with this damn thing on. I have to get out of here, but I don't even know where here is? Does Toshi know I'm gone? How long have I even been out?

In the background I start to hear footsteps coming closer and closer to me. Panicked I start to tug on the chains harder. All of me is restrained. My legs, arms, eyes, and even my body. This is bad, extremely bad. I need to think of a way out, now. I escaped him once, and I really don't know if I'll be able to do so again. Maybe if I try hard enough, or even outsmart him, then maybe. Just maybe. I hear the creaking sound of a door open and shut in front of me.

"You are awake. Good." I hear the deep monotone voice of my father echo in the room and in my mind.

"What do you want from me?!?" I yell.

"I don't want anything from you, my dear. I just want you." My father drug out the word "from" as he spoke in a low voice.

"How did you get out of prison?"

"My my, someone is chatty now. Well if you must know, I have friends in low places."

"That didn't answer my question, bastard." I hear his footsteps now, and they are closing in on me. My body tenses when I feel his heat radiating off him when he appears in front of me.

"That language will not do, Hikari." Without a second to spare, I feel a sting on my left cheek left by a brute hand.

"Do not speak to me like that again, brat."

"FUCK YOU, YOU PSYCHOTIC PIECE OF SHIT!" This time I was met with a fist in my lower abdomen. Hunching forward, I begin coughing trying to catch my breath. Fuck, his punches are a lot harder than I remember. Right now, I don't give a shit what he does to me. I endured it for the first ten years of my life, and I can endure it until I get myself out of here.

"I see you still have your spirit, just like your mother." I take in a quick surprised breath when I hear the last word fall from his mouth.

"You have no right to talk about my mother, shitless." I say as a warning, knowing my father won't care. I hear him chuckle as he begins to walk behind me.

"You don't either, since you are the one who drove her to take her life in the first place." I widen my eyes, as he whispered in my ear. Wh... What? No she took her life because of him.

"You rat bastard, she killed herself because of you!"

"Are you sure about that?" Yes, I am sure.

"Why would it have been because of me?"

"Well my dear Hikari, maybe she couldn't stand the thought that she made another me. You are a spitting image of me. The eyes, hair, and of course the power." No, momma loved me and she hated him. That's all!

"You are wrong!"

"Oh am I? I mean I know I drove her to do it as well, but so did you. Seeing you everyday brought fear into that woman's heart because all she saw was me. She protected you because she was scared for herself. If I would've killed you, she knew she'd have to make another for me. That's why she took her life. She didn't want to see my reincarnation and she didn't want to make anymore children for me. You are suffering right now because of her. If she had not died, then I would've simply just made another child with her that would have given me the same quirk as you. Or even stronger. But of course, she is dead now so I had to settle on you. The woman never cared for you. If she did, she'd still be alive." His spill had me thinking.

Maybe, I did kill her. Everything he is saying sounds so logical. She left me alone with him, and she didn't even care. She just cared about herself. I never truly mattered, and I never will. I was just a tool for both of them. I was my mother's way out and my father's way in. Even though I know the truth, I can't let my father break me. Not that easily.

"Mhm, thought that would do it, but I guess not. I think we will have to be a little more physical with you. You did always have a strong spirit, and I can't wait to shatter it. COME IN!" I hear the door open and multiple footsteps start coming in. What does he mean more physical? Does he plan on beating me to death? Well it wouldn't be the first time.

"Do with her as you all please. I will be back in an hour, be done by then." I hear multiple men in the background snicker as I hear the door shut in front of me. No. No. No. No. He is going to let them...

"How are we suppose to have fun with her with all these chains on her?" Toshi, help me.

"I don't know man, I guess we will just have to maneuver around them." Hizashi, help.

"I don't care how we do it, I just know I'm going first! We've been watching her for a while, so I know she's a virgin." Shota, please. I need someone.


"Let's just get started already, I'm itching to touch her!" Help.

1 Hour Later

They were gone. They left ten minutes ago, and I was left alone. I couldn't hold back my tears anymore as I was left broken, beaten and violated. I screamed in pain from my heart and from my body being used. I pulled on my restraints as I cried aloud and threw my body forward. I continued to cry hysterically for about five minutes until my body couldn't take it anymore. I slumped forward wanting to meet the ground, but my chains kept me upright.

I just want to die. I never wanted to meet my death so much as I do right now. If I had a knife, I could do the same thing as my mother. I now know why she did it, being used like that for that many years. I understand her now. I don't blame her because I want to do the same. All in all, she still didn't have to leave me alone with him. My shoulders began to ache with my full weight being on them as they hung above my head. I silently pondered on the events that just happened and my past until I heard footsteps coming near me. My body shot upright and tried to back away from the person coming near me.

"They did well. I have finally broke you." My father's dark voice said. No. I won't let him win! He may have broke me, but I won't let him know that he has won!

"That's all? Pitiful. I expected more out of the great Fumihiro Akaboshi." I whispered his name in a cocky sarcastic tone as I stopped my tears from falling. His footsteps quicken and he wrapped a hand around my throat.

"Why you little brat! In that case, I will let the men do with you as they please everyday, three times a day. Then afterwards, I'll beat you until you can't hardly breathe. Don't expect to be fed everyday either, you cocky little shit!" His words shot fear into me because I knew he would do it. No matter what, I will not let him win. I'll die before that happens. I may be broken, but I sure as hell won't show it!

"In that case, shouldn't the beating be right now?" After the words fell from my mouth another punch was landed on my stomach.

"Mhm, yes and it starts right now!" If no one comes for me, this will be my daily routine. I need someone because I can't escape. Not this time.

"That mild punch was just the start, shall we begin?" Broken. That's what I am and I can't be fixed.

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