Chapter 26: Funeral

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His body is so cold. So motionless. So stiff. He feels just like my mother did the night she left this world. How many more people have to die because of my inability to protect them? Wh-Why am I never there when they need me the most? All I could do was lay on Kaii's back trying to deal with the fact that he was the second person I've killed. I'm a hero, but I've killed two people... Why is my life worth more than theirs? It's not. They deserve to live, not me.

"Kaii!" I hear a voice appear behind me, but I don't dare lift my head. Suddenly my head is yanked abruptly up, and I look into the eyes of a young brunette guy.

"WHAT THE FUCK HAVE YOU DONE?!?" Taking me by the hair, he throws me off Kaii making me hit the side of my head on his coffee table. He scrambles down towards Kaii, tears fill the young mans eyes as he looks at his emotionless body. He pulls Kaii into his lap as he whispers and sobs into his shoulder.

"I'll fucking kill you. You're a monster." As I lay on my side, I creep my eyes open only to see the guy's malice gaze upon me. He gently lays Kaii's head down, but quickly approaches me, towering over my body. He hastily grabs my hair, and slaps me hard across my right cheek. He screams as he continues to abuse my face over and over again. I deserve this. I killed him. I deserve to die.

"WHY?!? WHY?!? WHAT DID HE EVER DO TO YOU?!?" He yells as he slams the back of my head down on the hardwood floor. My vision blurs, as he continues to hit, scream, and hurt me, and I didn't make any attempt to cease his actions. I began to feel blood seep down my face, and yet, I endured the pain.

"ANSWER ME!!" He pulls me up from the collar of my shirt, his words speak venom into my heart.

"No-Noth-Nothing. I di-did noth-ing for hi-m." I felt the tears start to dwell on the bottom of my eyelids as I stared into my abusers eyes. His gaze turned from malicious to startled in just a matter of seconds.

"Wh-what are you talking about? Who the hell are you?!? Besides the murderer who killed my brother!"

"You-You're Kaii's bro-ther?" I questioned softly. I took him away from a family. I-I did that. I didn't even know he had a family.

"HOW DO YOU KNOW HIM?!? YOU FUCKING STALKED HIM SO YOU COULD KIKL HIM! YOU ACCOMPLISHED YOUR MISSION YOU STUPID BITCH!" His tears flowed down his face in streams as he screamed the words at me.

"I lived next to Kaii. H-He helped me, and yet I couldn't d-do anything for h-him in the end." My tears were streaming as fiercely as his now. Realization struck the poor boy in front of me and he let go of my collar making me fall harshly on my back.

I lied there motionless on my back when I heard the guy scoot back over to the body of his dead brother. He continued crying, but I couldn't do anything but just lay there. I was in shock; the fear, tears, and pain stilled my body. I could feel all those feelings, but yet my face sat there expressionless.

"I-I know you didn't kill him, Hikari. I'm so sorry. I just was so mad, and I thought you did it." He brought his knees up to his chest and put his head down on his bent knees. He knows about me? Did Kaii talk about me? He really did care about me... I mustered up enough strength in my arms, and began to crawl over towards Kaii.

"I'm calling the police." The guy pushed himself off the ground and walked out the apartment, leaving me alone with Kaii. I finally made it to small of his back, lying my head down, I softly whimpered and cried for my now perished friend.

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