Chapter 33: Home

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"Wh-what? What did you just say?"

"I said I love you." Shota grins as he acknowledges my surprise. He loves me? He even said it first. He didn't just say it once out of accident, he even confirmed it with a second one. I lean away from him, still in shock, as I stare into his eyes, trying to read his emotions. He still wears a grin as both eyes stare into mine with nothing but pure bliss. He's not joking... he really does.

"You know, this would be a perfect time for you to say something." His light airy voice makes a smile spread across my face. I forcefully lean into him, wrapping him in my embrace, trying to hide my emotions. I bury my face into his chest, I feel a single tear leave my eye; for the first time, it's a tear of happiness. He squeezes me tightly in return, making me a smiling mess in his arms.

"I love you too, Sho." I whisper into him, he releases a breath of relaxation, but he doesn't speak. We stay in each others embrace for a few minutes, until I hear someone coming down the hallway.

"Shota, someone's coming." I whisper trying to push away from him.

"What does that have to do with us?"

"Sho! Let me go!" A tremblingly laugh escapes the back of my throat as I try to push away from him.

"Mhm, no. I don't think I will." He only tightens his grip on him making me look up at him, I'm met with an evil mysterious grin. What is this little shit plotting? The footsteps become louder, I really struggle to escape him and I'm finally met with freedom. I try to scurry away from him, but he grabs my wrist and pulls me towards him.

"Come here." Without a seconds hesitation, I'm pulled into a soft warm kiss. My mind tells me to break away from the kiss, but my body slowly kisses him back. Both his hands cup my face as his soft velvety lips move on mine. I really do love him. It's so strange to feel this strongly about someone.

The door bursts open and I shoot my eyes open to see who it is. Hizashi stands at the doorway mouth wide open, his glasses falling to the tip of his pointed nose. Shota finally opens his eyes and pulls away from me, not even acknowledging his friend at the doorway. He leans forward pressing his forehead to mine, his eyes never leaving mine.

"I have a few errands to run, so I'll see you after school, Hikari." With that, he pulls away from me and walks towards the doorway. I see him give Hizashi a single nod as he enters the hallways of the high school. I shift my eyes over to Hizashi, he grins at me as his eyebrows lift up and down at a fast pace.

"So, I'm guessing the talk went well?" He cups his chin in his hand as he questions me.

"Yes. Yes it did." Man, my smile won't go away. I just feel so giddy like a stupid school girl.

"Mhm, I can tell. Well, you want to tell me ab-" Before he could finish, my phone begins to ring, my eyes widen at the caller ID.

"Sorry I have to take this, but I'll tell you all about it later." I rush out the door, answering my phone on the way out.

"Heila speaking."

"Heila, we have run into a major problem! I couldn't get All Might on the phone, but I need to relay this information as soon as possible." Toshi's associate loudly says over the phone.

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