Chapter 37: My Savior

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"Aw, daughter, you want me gone that bad?" He asks as his icy cold stare pierces through the back of my head.

"Yes." I simply answer him, but don't turn to face him. He lightly chuckles behind me and I hear his loud footsteps closing in on me.

My heart beat rapidly pounds in my chest as sweat begins to form in the palm of my hand where the ripped picture piece is. I feel his presence behind me as his hot breath hits the back of my head making chills appear on the top of my skin.

"Make me disappear then." He taunts as I hear him form a smile on his lips. Bastard...

"That's what I came here to do." Now anger begins to boil in the pit of my stomach and I grind my teeth together almost painfully.

Spinning around I swing my leg towards his own knocking him off his feet, I hear the air leave his lungs when his back hits the wooden floor. His shocked face makes a smile appear on my face and I immediately jump on top of him, I pin his arms above his head and hold his legs down with my own. His shocked face turns into an amused one, and he begins to burst into laughter which only makes my anger incline.

"What the fuck is so goddamn funny?!?" I yell down at him, his laughter immediately stops and he looks up at me with a plain face.

"You just took me by surprise, honey." His pet name makes me contort my face in disgust and I dig my fingers into the skin of his forearm. Why hasn't he tried to use his quirk? I'm prepared for it!

"I'm guessing you are wondering why I'm not using my quirk, huh?" I widen my eyes, but quickly narrow them to try to hide my surprise.

"Use it, don't use it, I don't give two shits. The outcome will still be the same, you'll die in the end." I feel excitement stir within my body at the thought of this man finally being six feet under. He gives me a closed eyed smile, but he stays silent beneath me.

Why the fuck is this psycho smiling at me?!? I can't wait to rid him of this world, feeling the life leave him body under my fingertips is going to be pure bli-

"Finally. A hero turned villain, and to think I could do that." I hear the proudness in his voice and the truth behind his words.

"Wh-what?" I question in a shaky voice.

"Killing someone isn't the work of a hero, it's the work of a villain. The beauty behind turning my daughter into my own kind is outstandingly satisfying. If I die tonight by your hands, my whole life purpose will be complete. You'll finally be just like me, a villa-" I cut off his words my driving my fist into the middle of his face. I continue to pound his face with my knuckles, not once does he fight against my assault. He's right... but I can't stop.

I start to feel the wetness of blood coat the outside of my knuckles, but it doesn't stop me. I'm doing this for the right reason, aren't I? I start to see his eyes swell up and his lips bleed profusely with every connection of my fist.

I'm saving the ones I love, and avenging the ones that are gone. I'm doing the right thing, I have to be. I'm a hero. His hands reach up to try to grab my forearms but I push them aside and continue. I start to feel him pushing his body against my own, but I move to straddle his stomach to keep him in place.

"YOU BASTARD!" Another punch follows pursuit after my screams.

"JUST DIE!" I'm a hero.

"Savior" {Aizawa x OC}Where stories live. Discover now