Chapter 4: FINE!

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"THEN THIS ASSHOLE IS GONNA HAVE THE NERVE TO SAY 'I did you a favor, be grateful.' WHO THE HELL DOES HE THINK HE IS!" I slammed my hands down on the dinner table so hard it shook our bowls of miso ramen. My anger was fuming out my ears in the form of smoke.

"Calm down. I say it's best to just forget such a small accident." Toshi said while rubbing the back of his neck.

"SMALL ACCIDENT?!? I LOST A PERFECTLY GOOD CIGARETTE! I SHOULD TRACK HIM DOWN AND-" my outburst was silenced by Toshi laughing. I crossed my arms and poked my bottom lip out as I turned my to the side. I'm so glad he is finding humor in my anger! He knows how I get about my damn cigarettes.

"I'm sorry, Hikari. I just know how you get about your cigarettes and I couldn't help my laughter. I have just missed you. I'm glad you got to come over and eat with me today." His voice was soft which matches well with his crippling figure. His eyes seemed, sad. I didn't know how to comfort or even answer him so I just sat there staring at him.

"Anyways, I wanted you to come here to tell you something very important." He smiled and tilted his head to the side. I waited for the "important news", but he just kept smiling at me.

"Are you gonna fucking say something or just keep grinning like an idiot?" I said with half-lidded eyes and a sarcastic attitude. I heard him chuckle and he leaned back in his chair, he seems really tense. He smiles all the time, but I know he's suffering. Like right now he's smiling, but I know he's nervous about something.

"I want you to be my TA at UA." He stated flatly. A teacher's assistant? Why the hell would I do that?

"Um, why?"

"Why? Because I think you would enjoy it and it would help me out a lot, Hikari."

"Enjoy it? Toshi, I know we haven't seen each other in a while, but have you forgotten everything about me in that time frame?" My words came out a little harsh, but it was too late to take them back.

"Please." His smile was gone and his head hung low.

"It's a terrible idea. I'm not good with children. I am definitely not good at teaching. Also if you haven't forgotten, I don't like socializing." I said glaring at him. He didn't look at me, he just sat with his head hung low. I know what he is trying to do. He is trying to make me feel bad so I will say yes. I do feel bad for him. He looks like he is strug- NO! NO! NO! He will not sway my decision. I will not do it!

"You won't have to teach. You will be my assistant, helping me with things. But I guess I understand. I just wanted to spend time with you and I thought this would be a-"

"SHIT, FINE! STOP GUILT TRIPPING ME, JESUS!" Welp, so much for saying no.

"Really?!? You'll be my TA?!?" His head snapped up and a smile appeared on his face.

"Well, I said yes didn't I? Don't make me take it back."

"No no no! You can't take it back! Wow, I'm really surprised you said yes! You really will be helping me out, a lot. Thank you."

"Yeah yeah. Let's just eat." Toshi began to eat the Ramen I prepared for him. I just watched as he slowly ate. Toshi. You worry me. You look so sickly. You are the only person I care about and I don't want anything to happen to you. I guess that's the other reason why I said yes to being his TA, so I can keep on eye on him. I know he is the number one hero, but that's what worries me the most. Everyone expects so much of him. He's hurting himself. When he does that it hurts me.

"Um, Hikari? Are you having fun watching me eat or is there something on my face?" He said chuckling.

"Sorry, lost in thought." I diverted my eyes to my own ramen and began eating as well. After we ate I cleaned the kitchen and put the leftovers in the fridge. I gathered my things and headed towards the door.

"Thank you for coming over, cooking, and becoming my own teacher's assistant!" His happiness was radiating off him as I opened the door.

"Welcome." I felt a hand on my shoulder as I began to walk out the door, I involuntarily flinched. I know he's not going to hurt me. Just a bad habit.

"You know you can tell me anything. I hope you look at me as a father, and not just someone who saved you because it was their job." His voice was stern, but very sincere. Father. That word stung my heart. How am I really suppose to know what that feels like? Toshi tried his best to be the best "father" to me, but he is the number one hero. He had little time for me, but when he did he always treated me well. While my biological father treated me like dirt for the first ten years of my life. The things he did to me will never leave me. They will forever be embedded on my body and in my mind. I am glad I have Toshi, I just don't know how to express it. Maybe one day I'll get there. I turned my head to the side and nodded. He let go of my shoulder and pushed the door open wider for me to leave.

"I love you, sweetheart. Be safe on the way home, and text or call me when you get there." I simply nodded and walked away from his apartment. It was already getting dark. I didn't know I stayed that long at his apartment, damn. Time flies with him. As I walked towards my own apartment, I took this time to think. People would think that I don't love him by the way I treat him. But I do. I just...just can't let people in. You would think after seventeen years I would, but I just can't. I wish I could somedays and then other days I'm glad I can't. In this world of quirks, their power really shows peoples true colors.

As I continued towards my apartment I heard a high pitched scream a few blocks away. My feet reacted before my mind could, I was running towards the screaming. I passed old abandoned buildings until I came upon an alleyway where I saw a figure holding up a woman by the throat. Her shirt was torn off leaving her in only a bra and her feet were dangling.

"Look at me, you damned villain scumbag!" I yelled. The figure turned his gaze towards me and that's when I caught him with my quirk.

"Savior" {Aizawa x OC}Where stories live. Discover now