Chapter 9: First Time We Met

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"Midoryia, huh?"

"Yes." Mhm, I wonder why he chose him.

"Anyways, are we going to walk home together or are you staying here for a while?"

"I will stay here for a little while. I need to talk to Principal Nezu anyways. We have "things" to discuss." I smirked at his annoyed expression on his face. I nodded my head and walked towards the door to exit. Suddenly a hand softly landed on my shoulder, flinching I turn to see Toshi with a stern look on his face.

"Oh yeah, one last thing, Hikari. Don't tell people I am your father. The only staff members who know are Recovery Girl and Principal Nezu." I just nod and brush off his hand. I open the door and walk out. Don't tell people he's my dad? I know many people don't know because I'll be in "danger", but these people are staff members. Our coworkers, so why does that matter? My thoughts were interrupted by a loud rambunctious voice.

"Heyyyy! Hikari! Wait up!" Turning I see Hizashi and Aizawa slowly walking behind him hands in pocket. I like Hizashi, but why the hell is he so damn loud all the time. He doesn't have to scream at me Jesus! My hearing is definitely in tack. Huffing I wait for them, for the second time today. When they finally caught up we began to make our way to the front entrance of the school.

"Oh I almost forgot to ask you this! Do you wanna come to the bar with us tonight?" Hizashi asked brightly. Alcohol? No. Definitely not. I have never drank and I don't plan on starting tonight with a group of people I don't know. My biological father drank all the time, making him more abusive than he already was.

"I'll have to pass." I said coldly looking at the ground.

"Oh. I just thought it would be a good way to get to know some of the teachers. Me, Aizawa-"

"Hizashi. Drop it. She doesn't want to go. I said that she wouldn't want to before we even got to school this morning." Aizawa barked while glaring at his blonde friend. Hizashi's face quickly fell as he nodded. He really is an ass. Not just to me, but to his friends too. You know what? I'll go. Just to show that bastard that he doesn't know everything.

"What bar?" I asked Hizashi, my head slightly titled to the side. His eyes sparkled like stars at my question.

"It's called Bottoms Up."

"That's a shitty name for a bar." I smirked, but Hizashi threw his arm around Aizawa laughing.

"Yes it is! But they have killer music there! The beer there is pretty cheap too! Also, it's a long way away from the school, so you know, teachers who are caught drinking will cause trouble blah blah blah." I smirked.

"Fine, I'll be there. What time?" Hizashi yelled and pumped his fist in the air with excitement.

"Hell Yeah!!!! We will get there at eight tonight! Better bring your big bucks tonight because we are totally getting fucked up!" I actually chuckled lightly at his reaction, but my face fell when I looked at Aizawa. He was glaring daggers at me and his arms were crossed. What the hell is his fucking problem? I need to address it soon.

"Here is my phone. Put your number in it so I can text and tell you where we are. Also, if you give me yours I'll put mine in it as well." I nodded and me and Hizashi exchanged phones. When he handed my phone back to me I looked at his name giggling. The Loud Sexy MF was the name he chose for himself. We made small talk until we finally made it to the main entrance of UA. Hizashi went his separate way waving, but Aizawa just stood still glaring at me. Okay I'm done with this shit. I'm asking what his damn proble-

"Why did you say you were coming?" My thoughts were cut off by Aizawa's deep voice. I narrowed my eyes at him and crossed my arms.

"Well for starters, I can do whatever I want. Second of all, you don't have to be such an ass. Of course, I don't like it when you are being like that to me, but honestly as of right now I don't give a shit anymore. But when you are an asswipe to one of your closest "friends", it pisses me off. Thirdly, maybe I am going to the bar tonight to get to know my coworkers better." I kept my narrowed eyes on his the whole time I spoke. After my lecture, he finally broke eye contact with me as he turned his gaze to the ground. Suddenly, he smirked and chuckled. Hell no. He has the audacity to fucking laugh after that?

"Is my anger really that humorous?" I hissed at him. He lifted his eyes to mine and I saw something I've never seen before on Aizawa's face. His expression wasn't tired or annoyed, it was soft. His eyes were soft as a grin was on his lips. He stepped forward towards me to where our faces were just a few inches apart. My eyes widened with surprise while my body tensed with confusion. His soft understanding eyes turned into alluring narrowed ones.

"You know you called me that the first time we met." He said as a whisper. I felt my cheeks turn hot as he pulled away from me. What the hell was that? Why the fuck did I blush? He was just so... so... intoxicating. WHY AM I THINKING THIS! I just wanna go home scream into my pillow and never wake up from an endless sleep. This is so embarrassing, I've never blushed over a guy before. Was it just because he was so close to me? I mean he was awfully close because I could smell his cologne. And oh my shit it smelled heav-

"I'll see you tonight, Miss Yagi." He said over his shoulder and he strode away from me. I just stood there dumbfounded at what happened. Wait. THAT BASTARD DOES REMEMBER WHEN HE KNOCKED MY GODDAMN CIGARETTE OUT MY HAND! I was about to chase after him, but he was already out of sight. He embarrassed me in front of all the teachers saying he didn't know what I was talking about, and he fucking did. He will get another earful when I see him again tonight. I slowly began walking back to my apartment, just thinking and reminiscing on everything that had happened today.

I finally made it inside and said to myself, "Well, after a nap, I'll start getting ready."

"Savior" {Aizawa x OC}Where stories live. Discover now