2: The Sheep

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Chen remained blank, he's trying to make Nine intimidated but Nine is firm.

"Who are you?" Chen asked, Nine dismissed the question.

"You should stop recruiting med students to your fraternity. Your group is barbaric, ours isn't. Don't let med students be a bummer like you guys." Nine stated, the bright smiling med student disappeared before Chen's eyes.

"We are only welcoming that's all, if there's someone you should talk about the matter its not us but the students who belonged to your department." Chen straightly said, he turned his back to Nine and was ready to go out when Nine talked again.

"Why are you being disrespectful right now? I am still talking to you." Nine's words are filled with authority.

Chen faced Nine again.

"I will only respect you, when you are already mine." Chen flashed a smirk to the med student before walking out the clinic.

Nine was stunned, his face became crimson red not because he was shy or anything but because of anger.

Nine hated it whenever people mistakes him as a woman, he would always have male suitor and admirers which is not okay because no matter how you turn the world upside down or how cute he is, he's still a guy.

He hated it because he's offended. He's not against gay or what but he's clearly straight. And he also hates being treated like a girl but even so, some shitheads still keep trying to bottom him.

He clenched his fist.

"P'... I will go now." Pain the 1st year nursing student, (the patient) finally spoke.

Nine calmed himself and smiled to the junior.

"Sure, take care."

Pain showed her respect one last time and went out to look for Chen, she was not too late because he's nearby.

"Chen!" She called but Chen did not look back.


"Wait up!!"

"JOONG!" Chen froze when he heard that name.

He clenched his fist. Pain held Chen's shoulder when she finally catched up.

The lad keep reminding himself that the girl is still a girl. Chen brushed off Pain's hand.

"Don't call me Joong, we're not close. If you're going to thank me, do me a favor never ever come near to me again." He said with gritted teeth.

Pain was taken a back, her heart broke into pieces when she heard those words.

"B-but---" Pain couldn't finish what she has to say because the wolf ignored her completely.

Chen decided to go back at the hideout. When he arrived there is a drinking session, the alpha, himself is wasted. He shook his head.

Before everything goes down to what he knows will happen. He dismissed the newbies.

"Hey, why are you such a Kill Joy? Why are you dismissing them?" Pavel said, he's obviously drunk.

"I know you will rape someone when you're fucking drunk so I need to move quickly." Chen replied, Pavel laughed.

"If they want the pleassure there's no way it's rape, you kiddo." Pavel talked back while wearing his smirk.

It was a dark joke, Pavel is not that cruel. He may seem to like fights and chaos but Pavel is a great man. Only Chen knows who he is behind the title of being Alpha of the pack.

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