2ne1: the nightmare

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Sun is up, so does Pavel. Actually he couldn't sleep a blink, since their last love making Dome is still having nightmares that Pavel had to convince him to let him sleep at his dorm for awhile.

He brushed his sleeping lover's hair.

"Tee rak, wake up." He whispered softly to Dome's right ear.

Dome did not respond.

"Tee raaaaaAaaak. Wake up, we will be late." He whispered again while shaking Dome.

"Hmmm..." Dome groaned as he put himself inside the blanket.

"Oiii~ why did I even let you sleep late?" Pavel whined, last night they had a long conversation about random stuff. So this is the outcome.

Pavel decided to call Nine.


"Why are you calling P'Nai, this early in the morning?"

Pavel laughed evilly, when he heard his N'Joong on the other line.

"Why not? Nine's husky voice is sexy."

"Fuck you, P'." Pavel laughed out loud when he heard Joong curse, he never heard him curse before.

"No, thanks. Get Nine on the phone you punk. I need to ask something! I ain't taking your lover away stupid kid." 

He heard Joong sighed before Nine talked.

"What do you want? Is there something wrong?" Nine knew about him staying with Dome.

So the lad, had a hunch that something might have happen.

"Well, my lover isn't even awake yet. What time will mister moon open his clinic?"

"Oh, later at 10. Wake your lover now and leave me alone."


"What the hell?" Pavel blurted out when Nine straightly end the call without any goodbye or anything.

He sighed, how is he going to wake up a sleepy head?

Pavel decided to Iron their clothes giving Dome another 30 minutes nap before waking him up.

When he went back to Dome's bed the Med is still sleeping like there's no tomorrow.

"Tee rak, I said wake up!" Pavel yelled softly as he planted kisses to Dome's face.

Dome slowly opened his eyes.
"Hmpf~" Dome tapped Pavel's shoulder to make him release his lips.

"What are you doing?" Dome whined still half asleep.

"Waking you up?" Pavel answered.

Dome turned his back from his lover making Pavel jaw drop.

"Oh no, you did not turned your back on me. I'm going to murder that ass, I'm telling you." Pavel threatened.

Dome suddenly woke up and sat protecting his ass.

"Phoom, you better stop pinching my butt cheeks!" Dome scolds.

"Not my fault that they are the butt of thailand?" Pavel said with a smirk.

Dome could only shake his head because of his lover pervertness.

"Hurry up and shower, I already prepared your clothes." Pavel said as he took Dome's hand to help his stand.

"What about food?" Dome asked.

Pavel gave him a smirk.

"You can have my hotdog and eggs." He teasingly said.

Dome slapped Pavel's chest.

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