3: The Wolf's 💓

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I was playing some game when I got distracted by some noise outside. Ugh, I don't want to go back at the dorm because I hate noises but what now?  I stood up and went to the door to check what's up. 

"Excuse your mouth but I ain't gay! Low life assholes!" That voice? I opened the door partly and there I saw the girl--- no. She's a guy?

But he said he's not gay-

I frowned. Then why do he wear those things if he's not gay? I dismissed the thought.

Gay or not, he still do look stunning.

I watched him fight those assholes and he is good. I think I am right, he's their beta and I  acknowledge his skill.

But things got out of hand when  these assholes pulled out their knives.
It's actually the wrong time but I realized who are they.

It was the dethroned alpha and his pets.

I went to the med's back that made him stop from moving backward, I pulled him behind my back. I couldn't see what was his reaction at all.

I glared at them. They seem to know who I am and so they are thinking twice to charge on me or not.

"Fuck, get him you punks! Now is the chance!" The loser gave his pet the order.

When one of them tried to stab me but I manage to dodged it and held his hand, pulled him closer and knee banged him in the face.

The others stopped moving forward.

"Don't make me break those nose." I said making it clear how serious I am.

It seems like they get what I meant so they ran away. I was too focused from those rats that I let my guard down forgetting that their leader is still here.

"You fucker!" Lek raised his hand to stab me but he was kicked at the right side of his face making him fall to the ground.

"You piece of shit! Take this! That! You got some balls, huh! Next time I see you again here I'm going to cut your little eggplant!" I don't know if I'm going to pity-- no. I don't feel sorry for this prick. I don't know if I will laugh or not, seems like its not a good idea to piss this little guy infront of me.

"Okay, that's enough you might end up killing him." I held his shoulder and pulled him away.

"What? I'm not done yet! That piece of shit drugged a girl! Don't you have a mother?! A sister or grandmother?!" He kept trying to beat Lek more so I decided to carry him like a sack of rice.

"What---!? Hey! Put me down! I'm not done yet!" When we're far from Lek that's when I put him down.

"Stop. I thought med students aren't barbaric like us?" Those words snapped him back to his senses.

"Yes, but I won't be calm to a moment like this! What they did is not acceptable!" I hushed him by putting my index finger to his lips.

"I know. I know, we got to find the girl." I said, calmly.

He seemed to recall that the girl was not okay, without telling me anything he started walking a few blocks from where we are. He stopped when we reached forest-like part of the field and he wasn't wrong the girl is laying on the grass.

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