6: Eyes

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How many days have passed? 2?
The exam days is already finished but I see no sign of Chen. He did not ace the exam isn't he?

"What do you think happened to that junior?" Ben asked. I could only shake my head to his question.

I looked at the bulletin board, where I was looking for my test results.

"Should we look for his name?" Ben suggested. I nodded.

I felt anxious. I don't know what it is but something's strange.

"Nine! Look! It's pending." Pending? what does that mean?
I looked at the bulletin, only Chen's name is written to the pending list.

"What does that mean?" I asked Ben.
"It means he couldn't take the exam." Ben answered.

"Yes, he couldn't. And whose fault it is?" I looked at the person who suddenly joined our conversation.


"Pavel." He cut me off.

"Where's the kid?" I asked.

"Probably dead." He said with an icy cold voice.

My heart started to beat faster, he must be joking right?

"Man, that's not a good joke." Ben said frowning.

"Probably dead ass asleep." He continued, amused on how we reacted.

Ben shook his head.

"Nine!" Just in time Dome  saved our ass, I hate to deal with the "alpha".

"Dome? Where have you been?" Ben asked.

"At the clinic--really Ben? You guys left me there earlier! Nine, Chen is awake!" Dome exclaimed while catching his breathe.

"What do you mean? Where the hell is that kid?" Can't they just tell it straight? I'm going to die out of nervous.

"He got into a fight the day before exam, he was unconscious for two days but now he's awake. Just come with me." Dome said.

"Wait, you better hide those punks who did that to my boy. I won't sit still if I see them around." Pavel warned, his voice is full of authority.

We did not dare reply to him, we hurriedly went to the parking lot.
Dome drove us to the nearest hospital.

"What exactly happened?" I asked.

"He was attacked by our juniors that night, they slammed a real thick piece of wood to his head and fell unconscious.
He's been sleeping since that night but I heard he's awake now." Now, what?

Why does Dome know so much about this boy?

Wait--- juniors? Could it be--?

When we arrived we asked the nurse to give us the room number and went there.

Room 99

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