26: De Javu

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"Joong hurry up!" I whined, this kid woke me up early just to freaking go shopping but he's taking forever to fix himself.

It's been two weeks already and my ankle is okay now and the most excited about it was Joong because he missed hanging out outside. When my ankle sprained, we just hang out inside my room and play board games, online games and reading stuff.

"Okay khrab, finished!" He said, I gave him a look.

"What is that?" I asked him. He's too---fancy.

"Aww, Phi. It's our date." Why the hell he needs to wear a fucking formal dress up for a date?

"Whatever let's just go." I brushed it off.

We went to the mall and bought some stuff, then we had lunch.

We basically bought groceries too.

While walking around, I felt Joong's hand trying to reach for mine. I smiled secretly and held his hand.

I saw him being surprised and blushing like hell.

"P' should we buy a new bed?" He suddenly asked.

"Are you really planning to stay on my dorm forever?" I asked back.

"No," He said which made me feel a bit disappointed.

"Because when you move out, I'll go with you." He added, I couldn't hide my happiness through his words and I knew he noticed it.

He pinched my cheeks which made me frown.

"Hey, that hurts!" I complained.

"Then stop acting cute or else I might claim those thin lips of yours right here in front of strangers." He told me with his husky voice. I felt shiver through my spine. Joong is getting--- I don't know, manly these days?

I slapped his arm.

"Stop it!" I scolded him. He just chuckled and swayed our hands together while walking.

But then... the day that suppose to be our happy date, was ruined.

"Joong Archen Aydin! How dare you forget about your own mother and stroll around the biggest mall at Bangkok?" A woman with a sophisticated figure scolded her son in front of me.

I instinctively let go Joong's hand. Luckily he did not take it by heart because he was so surprised with her mother.

"Mom! I forgot that you're going back here." Joong said with an apologetic gesture.

"Gosh, what kept you busy these days? Does being a freshman so hard that you forgot your own mom?" His mom spites.

Her gaze went to me,she took off her sunglasses and frowned like she is observing me. A look with a vibe of "I met this person before or this person looks familiar."

She looked back to Joong and smiled uneasily.

"W-who is that y-young lad?" She asked, stuttering between her words.

"Oh, It's P'Nine. It's too soon but he's my lover." Joong happily announced with a smile on his face, his smile do brighten up his face.

He's really too confident that his mom will accept us, he even just met her again today after a long time but he told her straightaway without beating around the bush. 

"S-son?" Her mom asked, like she heard something wrong.

It's like a de javu.

Joong went to me and held my hand without taking off his smile. I only stared at the sophisticated woman blankly.

Slowly another memories started to unlock inside my head because of the Dejavu feeling I felt when I saw her reaction.

I felt my hands shake which Joong noticed.

"Phi?" He asked with concern.

"Ah, Joong. I don't feel well. Maybe I should go back to uni. And I think you should go with your mother, she just got back from turkey, right?" I told him. I turned to her mother and smiled.

"Nice to meet you, aunt." I said as I offered my wai to her.

"But Phi-- I should drive you home look at those things." He told me while pointing at our things.

"Oii, then help me carry them to my car first." I whined.

"Mom, I'll take Phi first. Then later I'll tell you everything." Joong brightly said as he took some of our things and held my hand again. He did not even noticed how surprised her mother was when he told her about us.

I squeezed Joong's hand.


I shook my head. When we arrived the parking he just kissed me a goodbye then he went back.

I couldn't stop myself from tearing up, I held it well there. But I felt so weak. I keep wiping it but it keeps falling. And then I started to feel nauseous and couldn't breathe, luckily I have a paper bag inside and try to breathe in it.

I hurriedly took my phone and dialed P'Mila's number.

"P--Phi!! *breathes* h-help me. I'm at the mall! *breathes* c-come." I struggled to say on the line..

After sometime I started to feel like my breathe was getting back to normal.

I rested my head and closed my eyes, calming myself.

When suddenly I heard a knock from my window. I opened the door of my car.

"What the hell is happening?! Why is it attacking again?" She hysterically asked.

"Phi, Joong's m-mom. I s-saw her." I told her between my breathe, her expression changed from worried her expression turned to anger.

"Let's go home." She said in gritted teeth. She drove my car while I sat on the passenger's seat--I closed my eyes again.


--------------------------------------------HI GUYS SORRY FOR SHORT UPDATE~ BUT WE'RE GETTING TO THE CLIMAX LOLOLOLOL. BTW, THIS FANFIC WILL BE REALLY SHORT SO MAYBE YOU GUYS, MUST PREPARE FOR THE ENDING, OKAY? ㅠ ㅠ our new semester already started and my sched was fucked up so-- might not update as frequent as before.

P.S. i saw hate tweets to nine and pavel and i was so hurt if anyone is following the two please send cheerful messages to them and the other moons. :(((


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