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A/n: lame ass update 😭


"Phi, are you ready?" Joong asked behind the door. I looked at myself one last time before I opened the door.

"Let's go!" I yelled cheerfully.

He smiled at me.

I helped him carry our things up to the parking lot even though he doesn't want me to help.

At the parking, Pave, Dome, Ben and Earth are already there waiting.

"Uhoo! Your get up is too much." Ben teased as her gave us a smirk.

I know he would because we are wearing a couple shirt >\\\\\\<

"Oho, stop teasing, just because your single ass can't relate you start babbling." I spites.

Ben rolled his eyes and ignored me. I chuckled.

"Let me help you with that." Pavel said and took what I was carrying.

I went to Dome who is busy with his phone.

"What's that?" I asked him, he shook his head and smiled.

"Nothing." I nodded.

After fixing all the things, we went on our way.

"Are you feeling okay, Phi?" Joong asked me, maybe he was worried because I've been resting my head to his shoulders when I don't usually do that specially in front of my friends.

I'm thankful that Pavel and Dome brought a van its comfortable.

"I'm fine just a little bit cold." When I said that Joong quickly covered me with a jacket as he also put his arms on my shoulder.

I could feel the stares from our friends but I ignored them.

In the whole trip Ben keep teasing about us and the other couple at the driver's seat.

"Holding hands and head on the shoulder, you guys are so advance for valentine's day." He said.

"Phi, just let them be." Earth said with a hint of annoyance.

Ben just stared at him.

"P'Ben just date someone already or else you'll end up growing old alone." Joong teased.

"Hey, excuse me I have tons of girls who likes me. Just you wait!" He said.

"P' just sleep." Earth said as he throw a neck pillow to Ben. I just noticed that Earth is really moody today?

It was a long trip so I decided to take a nap.

When I woke up we had to stop by in a gas station and buy some snacks.

Joong managed to buy some strawberries which made me really happy~

The we returned to our journey, this time Dome is driving the van. He let Pavel rest.

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