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"So, where the hell is Chen and Nine?" Pavel asked to the group.

The gang decided to fly back tomorrow and to meet today but the newly wed seem to be not going to meet them.

"Oh, Chen messaged me. They won't be able to go. Nine is sick...." Dome suddenly said. The gang looked to each other.

Pavel and Ben then bursts out laughing. As they know what could be the reason.

"Sick their ass! They probabbly went overbroad last night!" Pavel laughed maniacally, that Dome had to slap his arm.

"You guys! Chen posted something on IG. Nine must be really sick, look!" Earth suddenly said so the gays looked into it.

"Woah, I raised a monster you were right. Tee Rak!" Pavel exclaimed.

"Goodness gracious." Dome said as he breathe deeply trying to calm his nerves.

"Goodness, my baby friend is not a virgin anymore. I'm so proud." Ben says as he pretend to wipe tears. The other men laughed at his actions.

"So, what do we do now?" Pavel asked.

"Get wasted!" Ben yelled in excitement.

"Here they go again." Earth said and rolled his eyes.


After posting the picture Chen puts back his phone to the side table and hugged Nine's naked body again.

Being tired, Nine slept early. Chen being a great husband waited for him to sleep then he cleaned the mess.

Nine moves around, he snuggled to Chen more. Which made Chen think that Nine was not comfortable so he hugged him again.

"Phi...." Chen called it's already noon but Nine is still asleep, making the other man worried as both of them haven't eaten anything.

"Errr....." Nine responded.

"Let's go out and eat." Chen whispered as he planted kisses to Nine's forehead.

Nine quickly responded with a shake of his head, rejecting Chen's invitation.

"Aw? You haven't eaten anything, it's already noon."

"Asjjdbdn soresjkdjdj" Nine responded with an unaudible sound and turned his back from his husband.

The small bean does not even want to deal with the younger man.

"Phi??" Chen asked.

Nine opened his eyes and glared at Chen, he then pushes him off the bed.

"Go get by yourself! My body is sore specially down there! I hate you!" Nine yelled after that he went to his position again.

Chen did not take Nine's word seriously instead he went to bed and showered his husband with kisses..

"I know you love me, C'mon let's eat." Chen dearly persuaded Nine.

Nine shook his head.

"I don't want to move!!" Nine exclaimed as he try to push Chen away.

"Okay, I will not bother you anymore but put on some clothes already." Chen gave up.

Nine peeks on Chen and then he slowly sat. He looked under the blanket and saw some of the evidences of last night's hot event.

He immediately felt his cheeks burn. He then looked at Chen's naked top, he is now wearing boxers. Nine is obviously checking out his husband but then suddenly he felt dizzy  making him lie back on the bed again.

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