31: Dinner

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"Are you telling us that you and Joong already had a past and that he can't remember because he had a car accident which caused him to have amnesia, where you also had an selective amnesia because you witnessed everything?" Nine had to awkwardly nod to Ben.

"Then, when did you remember?" Dome asked.

"Back at the hospital when he was---" Nine exchanged look with Dome.

"What??" Ben asked curiously. Dome cleared his throat--it was when Chen was drugged and acted like a hungry wolf.

"It's probably because you had a same memory." Dome teased.

"Believe me I was shocked myself." Nine said as he shook his head.

"Hey, how dare you guys--kick me out of the conversation." Ben whined.

"Wait-- the crucial part of this story is that his mom did not accept your relationship-- how about now?" Ben rolled his eyes when Dome threw a question again.

"I don't know, the only thing I know is that I'm scared of her." Nine replied with such a gloomy voice.

"You? The most sassy and grumpy person I know is scared?"

"Ben." Dome warned his friend.

"No, I'm serious. The Nine I know isn't a wimp. Look, life already made it clear that you and Joong are for each other! Imagine both of you can't remember but end up falling for each other again! It might be your second and last chance! Stop being a coward!" Ben told Nine with such an energy.

"Okay, calm down." Dome said as he tap Ben's shoulder.

"Excuse me Benjamin, I am not a wimp! It's just that when I see her mother everything flashes back. I'm scared that it will happen again." Nine flashed a very sad expression which surprised his friends.

"C'mon, stop showing that face." Dome said as he caressed Nine's back.

"Wait-- where is Joong these days?" Nine became more gloomy when Ben mentioned Joong.

That day when they got drunk, and when the morning came he woke up and Joong is already gone.

"Hey, what's the matter?" Dome asked.

"I can't get in touch of him these days." Nine confessed.

Ben blocked his mouth with his palm.

"OH NO, maybe his mom is plotting something? I always see this on TV. She might imprisoned Joong to their house, or marry him off to some business partners or worst send him to turkey!" Ben exclaimed he received a smack from Dome.

"I'll do it because Nine has no energy to deal with you." Dome said.

"Ben shut the fuck up!" Nine yelled.

"Okay!" Ben said like a child.

Nine put his head on the table and sulked on his own.

His whole day is gloomy and lifeless. He's wondering what does Joong has been doing these days. Now, he knows what Joong felt when he was busy with the shitty pageant before.

Nine kept looking at his phone waiting for the other guy's message but his inbox is remained empty.

After class he went back to his dorm-- he quickly opened the door to see if Joong is back but he was disappointed when there's no trace of him.

Nine browsed the internet.
He accidentally saw a post from his fan page. It was a picture of him pouting while he rests his head on the class' table.

P'NINE is sad these days--and I don't see the Engineer did they broke up already?

@12346689: Probably, that's a sign.

@Asdfghjkl: I wish they will so we can have P'Nine back.

@samsammy: Stupid people, the guy is busy at school to make their future better than the brain you guys have.

Nine threw his phone.
He sighed. He decided to nap and was about to, when suddenly he heard a knock from his door.

His face lit up, he hurriedly opened the door but no, it wasn't Joong.

"Fix yourself. We're going to go through hell today." His sister said like she's about to murder someone.

"What? What's the matter?" Nine asked.

"Joong messaged me to fetch you, he invited us for dinner." Nine gave a puzzled expression.

"Why would he?" He asked.

"He's with his mom. Nine, it's going to be a long night. Better prepare yourself."

Nine felt his heart beat fast.
He dressed up casually and when he is done. He went with his sister.
He was incredibly shocked when his sister stopped in a familiar place.

"P' are we on the right place?" Nine asked.

"Yes, Joong was the one who picked the place. After all, it was his invitation." Mila brushed him off.

For Mila it might be an ordinary place but for Nine it is not. It was the place where he and Joong had their very first date when they became official back in the day.

"Could it be?" Nine mumbled to himself, he thought that Joong might be remembering some of his memories.

It was a simple but elegant restaurant. When Nine was only a Senior high school student the place was new but now it's one of the successful restaurant at the area.

Nine and Joong had a lot of good memories there.

When they went inside, Joong greeted both of them with a smile. Nine forgot how nervous and anxious he was when Joong hugged him tight.

"P' sorry I did not tell you earlier." He said as he planted a kiss to the smaller guy's forehead.

"Is this why you've been gone for days?" The med asked.

Joong only smiled and guided Nine to his seat.

When Nine looked around he realized that his Mom and siblings are also there and --Joong's mom.

Nine felt anxious again.
When Joong sat beside him he quickly grabbed Joong's hand to get a source of strength.

Joong interlocked fingers with Nine.

"Mom, This is P'Nine you saw him already at the mall with me last time. He's my lover." Joong said proudly.

Nine looked at the sophisticated woman, who is already staring at him.

"Stop this non-sense." She spite which made Nine feel sting of pain inside his chest.

It was the same old line--just like before and after all this time. She's still making those disgusted and despise look to him.


Everyone got startled when Mila suddenly punched the table.

"Let's eat, the dinner is ready." Mila faked a smile.

The dinner just got started but the bomb is ready to blast.

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