11: Hungry Wolf

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I stared at him. He's sleeping peacefully. 
I touched his forehead to observe if I am right and just like I thought he has a damn fever, his body must be fighting the drug inside him.
I swear if I see that Lek again I'm gonna kill him.

Luckily the bed could fit two people. I shamelessly lie beside him.

I can feel his body trembling so I tucked him inside the blanket but it was no use.

I have no choice do I?

I hugged him--this is just a way to warm him up, through body heat. It's just out of my gratitude because he saved us. Yes, just because of that. He needs to get well or guilt will eat me up.

Damn, he's really a giant I can't hug him like how he hugged me before.

I placed his head near my chest, I positioned myself a bit higher so I can do that. I just wish he won't hear my heart because It will be the end of me.

I stared at his sleeping face. For the first time, I have to admit that he looks really good. His long lashes, his nose, his eye brows, scratch that! His whole face is well-defined like he's a reincarnation of a handsome greek god.

No wonder girls turn their heads whenever he's nearby.

So handsome like this why would his heart decide to fall for me?

Stupid heart of his.

I yawned, I'm definitely sleepy. Oh well.

I guess the doctor needs a rest too.

I closed my eyes and slowly I fell in a deep sleep.

What's that?

I feel weird, I feel something tingling from my neck.

I opened my eyes only to see pair of eyes looking straight to my eyes, a hungry wolf.

"Shia! Oi! J-joong!" I panicked. I touched my neck. Shia, there's a fucking mark.

I pushed his chest so I can get away but it was no use, he's fucking stronger than me!

"P'Nine..." He called, my eyes widened when he grabbed my hands and put it above my head.


"Joong! I'm telling you! Shia! Let go!" I kicked him repeatedly but it was no use it's like he doesn't feel pain from me at all!

"P' Nine..." He called again, his breathing is not normal and he sweat so much! Wait--- don't tell me?

"Ai' Dome!!!!" I screamed for help. I'm such a stupid ass tho, Dome must be in a same position as I am right now!

I almost lost my head when suddenly this kid lifted my sleeve from my stomach until it reveals my chest.

I felt the cold breeze to my chest. He stared at my body for a long time before looking straightly to my eyes again.

"P' I love you." He suddenly uttered tenderly. My heart started to beat fast, I think I lose to him completely.

He touched my stomach going up to my chest. I closed my eyes aggressively I think its a stupid thing to do.

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