8: Heartbeat

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Nine and Chen were malfunctioning-- they don't  know how would they digest all the things they heard from Earth. It was so painful that they wondered how did Pavel and Dome managed to keep it all to themselves.

Chen remembered when Pavel went to the Med's Department last time, when he was dead drunk. He kept shouting "Come back" and "I love you" non-stop. It was the first time he saw their Alpha desperate. 

Chen felt like someone hammered his chest, he doesn't want it to happen to him. He would rather have one-sided love with Nine rather than both of them love each other but they cannot be together. He looked at Nine who is looking at him already.

"Stop thinking and eat." Nine ordered him, he just stared at Nine's face.

Nine felt conscious so he had to distract himself by peeling some fruits.

"P'Nine." Chen called, Nine did not respond.

"P' I don't want you to love me back anymore." He said with pain in his voice, Nine was startled that he stopped from peeling the apples.

"W-what?" Nine could only utter those words. Nine froze he seem to stop functioning.

"I'd rather love you alone than to hurt you, P' Nine. I don't want you to feel what P' Dome felt." Chen sincerely said. Nine stared at the Engineer, the rumors are not true.

This kid is not merciless,  doesn't start the fight, this kid has a big heart and this kid in front of him amazed him to the point that he---today inside the 4 corner white room--felt his heart beating so fast. 

Nine felt mixed emotion both pain and a strong feeling he cannot describe.

He touched his chest, his heart is beating so fast that he can't breathe anymore.

"I can't breathe." He said. Chen's eyes widened.

"P'? P'Nine, what's happening?" Chen started panicking, he held Nine's hand.

"W-wait--" Nine helplessly said.

Nine breathe deeply--he used the inhale and exhale practice, he kept doing it until he breathes normally. After some time he finally calmed down.

He looked at his hands and Chen's, the gripped is tight like Chen doesn't want to let him go.

They stared at each other.

"P' Nine? Are you okay?" Chen asked, Nine nod his head as a respond.

Chen pulled him closer. 

"What's happening to you P'? You're making me worried. " Nine could see how he made the lad worried. He closed his eyes, he feels so tired at the moment.

Chen caressed Nine's back that it appear like he's hugging him. 

"P' breathe, inhale--exhale." Chen guided the Med, Nine followed even if he knew what to do. The way Chen caressed him and helped him feels so warm to him.

Nine is used to be independent, he doesn't really feel being take care of as he give off a very grumpy and savage personality. He may seem to be a soft person because of appearance but he has a really strong personality. But when Chen started giving him  care--being all caring to him he realized it feels good to have someone who take cares of you.

"I'm okay." Nine said as he tapped Chen's arm signaling that Chen can remove his arms.

"You scared me P'. Come here, rest here P'Nine." Chen felt relieved but he's still worried. 

"You're the patient here, okay? It was hyperventilation. It's not that serious." Nine said stopping Chen from getting out of the bed.

"Then, you can lie beside me." Chen innocently suggested while Nine was alarmed.

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