16: 🎉

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The sun is up~ but not the two men sleeping in one bed. Little did they know someone will come and trash out their morning.

A woman in red walks at the hallway like she owns it. Today, she must get her brother's ass home with her because it's their mother's birthday.

And it seems the only son in the family forgot about it-- their mom will be heartbroken, so she decided to get her baby bro.

She pulled out her spare keys from her pocket and slowly opened the door.

"Nine, you shitty ass kid! It's mom's birthday! Get your ass out of your bed in an instant! Up----" She did not able to finish her trashtalking when she gaze at her brother's bed.

"NINE?! WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS? OMAYGHAD, DID YOU GUYS DO IT?!?!" She screamed as she point to Nine and his lover.

Both naked, laying on the bed while hugging each other.

Nine sat down and opened his eyes, the first thing he never imagine to see in the morning is his sister.

"P' MILA?!" He yelled, he was startled to death.

"Omayghad, you punk! So this is the reason why you can't contact you since yesterday! You fuckin'-- gosh! Dress up! My holy eyes!" Mila yelled.

Nine covered his body. Many things have gone through his mind. He never thought his own sister will invade his sleep with his lover.

Nine's heart beats faster when Chen woke up and sat down. He's facing Nine so Mila can't see his face.

He stretched his arms and opened his eyes, when he saw Nine the first thing he did was to kiss him in the forehead.

"Did you have a nice sleep, P'Nine?" He asked with his freaking husky voice!

Nine does not know what to do, would he respond to Joong or explain to her sister? Everything is in chaos!

"Who the hell are you! What did you do to my----" When Chen turned to look at Mila, Mila was stunned. A freaking fine man, that's what she thought.

Mila literally shut her mouth.
She cleared her throat. While she tries not to check out Chen's body.

When Nine realized it, he covered Chen's body.

"D-did you-- take my brother's virginity?" Mila tried to sound scary or intimidating but it was no use.

"What? No.. Who are you, P?" Chen asked while looking suspisciously at Mila.

"I'm that shitty kid's big sister. And you are?" She asked back.

"I'm Chen khrab. P' Nine's lover." He announced.

Nine scratched his head.
Mila was not even shock, Chen got confuse because it's like normal for her.

"Argh! So tell me why are you guys hugging each other naked!?" She asked again.

"The aircon broke down last night it was so hot so we stripped our tops, it's just a natural skinship, okay? If you sleep with someone you're very comfortable with that happens." Nine explained, Mila gave him a smack.

"Don't give me that sassy tone! I will make you bald with just my hands!" Mila spites.

Chen couldn't help but laugh softly, he knew now where Nine got his grumpy and sassy attitude.

"Why are you even here?" Nine asks as he put his shirt on then he handed Chen a shirt too.

"It's mom's birthday, you jackass. Explain everything after the dinner. Get your ass, help me for preparation." She said while she still keeping an eye on Chen.

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