4: not so SmoOth confession

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Chen woke up early, no-- he couldn't sleep last night at all. Whenever he closes his eyes he would always see Nine's smiling face.

Today, he will go straight to the Meds' Dorm. There's difference on how he dressed today on how he usually dressed, he wore his uniform right so that Nine would not see him as a "barbaric Engineer student".

He leaned on the tree infront of the entrance while waiting for the senior who made his heart flatter. Chen surely wasted so many time and opportunities because he did not know what he wants. He always get what he wants since he was a kid that he grew up not knowing what he really wants.

But right now, he knows what he want and It's the grumpy med student. He does not know what made him go crazy over that grumpy med student. Was it because of his cuteness? Or was it the warm he felt when the senior changed his opinion about him?

5 minutes.....
10 minutes...

Chen waited for so long but there's no sign of Nine.

"Oh, Chen?" Chen was startled, he did not expect to see him here.

"Sawadee Khrub, P' Dome." He wai-ed. Dome smiled exposing his cute dimples.

"Why are you here?" Dome asked not taking off his smile.

"I'm waiting for someone P'" Chen smiled. Chen have known Dome since the first day of school-- Chen had a trouble with a senior that day and they end up having fist fight. It was also Chen's first day to the clinic.

"Who are you waiting for?" Dome asked, Dome is certain that Med and Engineers hated each other so he's quiet curious who is that person.

"Some grumpy senior." Chen answered while smiling brightly.

"Oho, you're smiling that brightly now. Must be a very important person. Well, I have to go now. Take care. Nong." Dome tapped Chen's shoulder.

Chen wai-ed at the senior. Just after that when he looked back at the entrance Nine was leaving.

"P!" He called. Nine frowned when he saw Chen.

"Why the hell are you here? It's so early." Nine asked without greeting the lad.

"I'm taking you off to your class." Chen answered with glee.

"Nong, what the hell do you want from me? Seriously?" Nine impatiently asked.

Che leaned forward to his P'

"I want you, P'" He whispered to Nine's right ear. Nine shivered.

"What the fuck?" Nine exclaimed.

"Nong, I'm straight as fuck. I may look "cute" but I am not." Nine added throwing a disgusted look to Chen before leaving him behind.

Chen felt a bit hurt but he smiled because he made Nine shiver that --- is a sign that he has some impact to his P'.

He still tailed Nine up to the Medical Department.

Both of them caught a lot of attention from doctor, nursing and psychology students, they are such a head turner.

Chen is wearing his blank faced expression making him look 'cool' and 'hot'.

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