32: misfortunes

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I am currently observing the table and I am totally going nuts with the atmosphere I haven't sober up from P'Dean's marriage and now this.

Chen's mom is totally giving glares to the couple in front of me, who are flirting non-stop--- I mean Chen is being obvious boyfriend here.

Would you look at my brother, getting a boyfriend before I could. Life is never fair for a woman like me.

At first we were eating at peace when suddenly the woman start to blabber trash.

"Chen, do you remember June? You used to play with her when you were little. I heard she went here for vacation." I just gave her a look. While my mom just continued munching down the steak.

"Oh? Good for her." Chen just said as he looked back to my brother who looks tense. Knowing him he already had in his mind that this will happen. What kind of drama stunt is this woman pulling off anyway? It's too old fashioned.

"She contacted me asking if where are you. She must want someone to tour her here. I remember how adorable you both are, I even saw you promising to marry her and have kids."  I rolled my eyes. Chen is not even paying attention to what his mother saying-- he's busy cutting Nine's steak.

"Excuse me waiter~ can you give us red wine please?" Mom suddenly said and winked to my brother, Nine smiled.

I hate that mom is not interrupting or anything. Ugh.

I saw Chen's mom turning red out of anger. She wasn't getting any attention she's seeking.

"Why don't you fulfil that promise rather than being in a senseless relationship like this!" Chen stopped when she raised her voice like that.

"Mom, I told you already. I love P'Nine. I'm not playing around, I'm genuinely serious about this." Chen explained to her calmly. I saw Nine holding to Chen tightly.

"I will never accept this immoral and disgusting relationship! If you're not ending this tonight I will send you back at turkey!" She yelled raging like a witch.

"Okay, that's it," I stood up. "Listen here, I have so much respect with elders but I'm ran out of patience already. Let's end this here! First of all while you are busy stalking and doing business Nine was with Chen taking care of him like a brother before they figured out what they have for each other. He treated Chen with love and care which you fail to give him because you were "busy"

Mom held my hand trying to stop me from spilling all the tea.

"Phi, stop." Nine said tensed.

"What? Isn't it right? I am! If she needs proof I have it all! Since you are being a witch let's tell these kids why are you being salty with them. It's because of our dad right?" I asked her.

She was so shocked when I told her that, her ears also turned red already.

"See? Can't answer?" I laughed sarcastically.

"What do you mean, Phi?" Nine asked, I smirked.

"I'm so sorry if it will hurt you Chen. But your mom has been stalking our dad for years trying to reach out for him." My mom pinched my arm.

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