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"Phi...? What-- you're sick." Chen couldn't even talk straightly. If he is not mistaken Nine is sick right now because his body couldn't handle the intercourse last night but now he's asking Chen for it.

Chen scratches his head out of confusion.

Nine pouts, looking at Chen with his fluffy expression which made Chen close his fist. Trying to contain his urge.

"Phi, you are asking for something dangerous. Do you know that? If I don't hold back I'm gonna mess you up." Chen warned. Nine smiled at him, a mocking yet seducing smile then his hands roamed to his own body. Slowly, he removed the thick blanket that covers his completely naked body.

Chen flinched.

"You don't want your husband? Are you sure? I'm all yours--love, all yours." Nine seducingly uttered as he went  to Chen and clung to him.

"Joong~" He whispered then he teased Joong by licking his earlobe. Chen felt the shiver through his spine.

"That's it!" Chen growled as he took Nine's hand that are clinging to him and pinned Nine to the bed while his hands are above his head.

"Do you know how much I tried to control myself? You don't know how much I wanted to explore your body more than last night. I want to messs you up, Phi. I want to see those pleassured expressions you make all day long. I want to hear you beg." Joong bursts out saying all his desires towards his husband without breaking any eye contact.

"Then do it." Nine provoked.

"You will regret this, P'." Chen uttured.

"W--" Nine what about to spat more but Chen shut him up by kisses. They shared a kisses with hunger, there was sucking and tongue fight until they were out of breathe.

When they broke the kiss and while Nine was catching his breathe. Chen then went down to mark him again, Nine is covered with hickeys. His milky skin is covered with purple and red marks.

"Phi...." Chen mumbled as he went down to Nine's chest.

"Ah...." Nine moaned softly. Chen felt own member, the dragon is now awake.

Chen's mind was already blank and all he wants is Nine. He was too blank that he even thought of doing it--- he touched Nine's nipples poking and moving his fingers into circular motion.

Nine gasped as he gripped on Chen's hair.

"A--ah~ not there-ah~" Nine uttered under his breathe.

"Not here, huh?" Chen teased, he did not obey Nine instead he suck then nibble it. Nine keep moaning under his breathe making Chen do more.

His while his mouth is busy his hands roamed down to Nine's shaft. Chen felt the precum as he touch it. Nine flinched.

"See? You're flinching it means you're scared." Chen said.

"Shut up." Nine spat as he held Chen's head and shove his lips to him.

While they are kissing, Chen's hand is moving too. He started to stroke Nine's shaft causing Nine to moan between the kisses.

"Do you like it, Phi?" Chen asked between the kisses.

"A-ah.... Y-yes.. " Nine agreed which surprised Chen. Nine don't agree on him that much. He is always on his tsundere facade which make Chen feel sad sometimes.

But today is different.

"You're coming, p" Chen said as he fasten his strokes.

"Ugh.... ha... hmp!!" Nine released splurting his cum all over the bed and Chen's hand.

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