19: #nineshappiness

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Nine felt heavy, the loads of things they had to do made him feel dizzy already.

And the other thing was the commotion about him and Chen.

Many of either girls or boys, asked him if what they saw on live was true or not. Some also insulted him for denying that he's actually gay. Nine really hated hearing those fucking non sense, just because he was kinda look feminine does not mean he is/was gay.

Maybe now he is, gay for Chen.
But for him it was just so rude to call people gay just because they are not masculine enough.

Nine held it in for so long that he felt like he's gonna burst anytime.

When he reached his dorm, he hurriedly went to his room. He opened the door someone was already there waiting for him.

"P'Nine~ I cooked you dinner." Chen flashed his tender smile, Nine suddenly felt a bit ease seeing Chen's smile.

Nine smiled back to his lover.

"Weren't you busy as well?" Nine asked.

"I was but I realize what I did wrong." Nine's smile fade.

He placed his books to his study table and sat on the bed.

"Anything happened to you?" Nine asked, worried that Chen experienced the same thing.

"No, nothing P'." He denied.

"Good." Nine sighed.

"Is there anything happened?" Chen asked as he sat beside his small guy.

"No, no, I'm just tired." Nine uttered while looking away from Chen.

"Are you sure? Let's eat then." Chen said as he guide Nine to his seat.

The two talked about the day and stuff-- the room was filled of teasing remarks and laughter.

Nine's smiled a lot because of the giant. It made him forget about how tiresome the day was for him.

Being with Chen was a ray of light. Chen brought back the genuine happiness Nine was longing for.

Everyday became extra exciting-- it was no same old cycle because of him. He never failed to make nine surprise and happy.

He is Nine's happines.

That is why, Nine also want to make him happy even if he is not that good to express himself.

After dinner, Nine took a shower. And when he's done he stayed at the bathroom and opened his social account.

Everyone is still asking about it. Some also trashed out his name.
He doesn't really understand why is it a big deal. His fanclub shut down too-- which is good for him. He hates being chased by gays or guys (the fans) all the time. He hate being captured sneakily too.

He scrolled down again and something caught his attention. It was a post in facebook account page named "Nine's Happiness" he frowned.

"----That Chen took away Nine's smile, look at him being drained because of the news. That guy purposely let out their secret relationship to gain attention.----- I will find him and make pay for ruining our Nine's happiness."

Nine doesn't know what to react at all. He clicked the comment section anf he found many hate comments towards Chen.

What do we expect from the Engineers?

Gosh, barbarics on it.

Nine should have me not that Engineer

Shhh, the brotherhood might get us.

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