36: I love you 3000

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"Oi, Joong!" Nine whined when Chen suddenly threw him at the water.

"Was it cold, Phi?" Chen teased while trying to contain his laugh.

"Come here and ask again!" Nine yelled as he tries to push Chen at the water. He struggled so much because the boy is twice his body, definitely he can't win to him.

Nine gave up and gave Chen a glare, he felt the cold breeze and so he crossed his arms trying to warm himself.

Chen felt sorry in an instance, he went to his Phi and gave him his t-shirt. Nine was shocked when Chen stripped suddenly in front of him and the other people.

He covered his face out of embarrassment.

"Joong, omayghad. Stop." Nine uttered.

"What? I just want to warm you up." He explained, Nine shook his head and pushed Chen telling him to walk back to their room.

When they are in front of the room, Nine told Chen to get t-shirt. If Nine can't show off, his boyfriend can't too.

After that they went back to their friends who are busy grilling seafoods.

"Oho, I thought they went hot mode already." Pavel teased when the couple approached the area.

Nine could only shake his head.

"Here, eat. I bet you guys are hungry already, you had so much fun playing wet." Dome said as he offered the cooked seafood. Nine winced as he find Dome's choice of words inappropriate. Even though Dome noticed the expression his friend that made him chuckled.

"Woah, Dome, is that what you learn in bed?" Ben asked, of course, teasing him.

"Ben, stop making casual things pervert. You and Pavel share brain cells, really." Dome uttered as he gave Chen some seafood too.


We enjoyed everything together, we had beach volleyball, we swam at the ocean, we ate until we're full, until sunset came. It was actually so fast and I wish I can slowdown time.

What I noticed though is that Pavel is always with Ben and Joong is sticking with Dome. I was a bit confuse, when did Pavel and Ben became close? I understand Joong is close to Dome since they know each other but seeing Pavel and Ben is such a weird sight.

Now, I am left with Earth. It's fine though, he told me so many stories. From how he met Joong and Pavel, what was Joong like before we met again until to Pavel and Dome's story. He told me how he was being picked for having a cute face. I relate to that part so much.

"Seriously, the Joong you are seeing right now is far different to what I witnessed." I could only flash an awkward smile.

"What was he like back then?" I asked.

"He was ferocious!" I frowned when he answered thay.

"Ferocious? That's uhmm---Too much."

"Phi, believe me! He almost killed someone before. Luckily, P' Pavel was there." He whispered. That shocked me, I don't think Earth is serious tho.

"Why are you whispering?" I asked him.

"If Chen hears me dissing him, he will not spare me. You should know how deceiving Chen can be, you might see him as an innocent boi but he was never innocent. Beware!" I just shook my head to this kid. He is exaggerating everything.

"P'Nine, P'Pavel and I will try to learn how to surf, do you want to come?" Joong asked as he sniffed down my head.

I slapped his hand.

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