45 ♡ the real ending

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"Who among you brought this kid here?" The gang looked at me in shock.

"Oii! This kid I told him to wait!" Pavel whined.

"Goodness." Dome.

"Where's father?" The kid asked.

"Kid, I told you to wait a bit. You ruined everything." Pavel snaps.

"Who the hell is his father?" I asked.

"My father's name is Joong Archen Aydin." The kid suddenly responded.

"W--what?" I almost choked.

"S-so... it's true. Joong cheated on me." I blurted out. Small bids of tears started to fall down my face.

"N-nine-- Joong will explain. Wait-- oh god. Don't cry." Ben tried to consoled me but I pushed him away.

"YOU GUYS KNEW! YOU GUYS TOLERATED HIM AND MADE ME LOOK LIKE A FOOL! THIS KID IS 5 YEARS OLD. HE'S BEEN CHEATING BEFORE WE EVEN GOT MARRIED!" I yelled on top of lungs. I keep wiping my face aggressively I don't want them to think they won. I don't want to look weak and hurt in front of them.

"You are all the worst." I was about to head outside when the devil straightly went to me with a woman by his side.

I am extremely heartbroken but at the same time mad. I glared at them I was about to pass by them when Joong stopped me.

"Don't touch me!" I yelled and brushed him off. He was taken a back.

"Where are you going, Phi?" He asked, he is surely good at pretending.

He looks so innocent but he's been fooling me all along. He's so good that he could win some oscar award.

"Nine Kornchid, get inside!" My eyes widened when mom suddenly called me.

"But mom!" I insisted. She just gave me a look and went inside.

Why do I feel like everyone is ganging up on me.

When we're back inside, everyone sat on the living room.

Seeing Joong with the same woman and the kid sitting beside each other is tearing my gut apart. I want to escape so bad.

I feel like dying in here.

"You guys must know how Nine hates surprises. And how he would always overthink when you guys are moving behind his back." My mom said, seriously? It's not some surprise but a cheating being caught! How can my mom be calm at times like this?

"I'm sorry, Mom." Joong apologized. I can't believe this.

"Gosh, let's just tell him. If looks can kill Nine would be in prison by now." Ben said, I glared at him.

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