18: little fight

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Earlier today, I received yet another gift from a guy. When will this stop?

I really hate it when they keep coming at me when I clearly said I am not available. Even if I wasn't with Joong before I always say I have a lover.

But something is different, the gift is indeed weird. It was a picture of me smiling while I look at Joong. It made me frown until now I can't take it off my mind.

"Hello? Nine? Are you with us?" Ben snapped his fingers in front of me so I blinked and went back to reality.

"Sorry, sorry where was I?" I asked as I held my pen.

"You don't look good. Did something happen?" Dome asked, I sighed.

"Just another gift directly sent to my room, Again." I answered him, he and ben exchanged look.

"That is twice already this week. I thought the rumors of you and Chen already stopped those guys and gays for coming at you." Ben said as he scratched his head. I bet he put a lot of gel again. He is so addicted to gels these days.

"I thought so." I said and heave a sigh again.

"Speaking of, why not announce your relationship with Chen already. I mean that will clearly stop those who come for you and those who come for Chen." Dome suggested all of a sudden, I frowned.

"Who are coming for Chen?" I asked.

Both of my stupid friends exchanged look again and then they gave me a smirk.

I hate those smirk.

"Oho, the boyfriend does not know how popular Chen is among women. You totally forgot he has a title at Engineering Department." Ben yet again said with his usual teasing voice.

"Don't make me salvage you here and throw your body at the river late, Ben." I warned him.


"Calm down, it's not like you don't know how popular Chen is. That is why I'm telling you to clear it up." Dome said as he sip on his coke.

"Hey, aren't you scared for Pavel too? You guys are hiding it. While me and Chen, we don't we just keep it private but not secret." Nine straightly said, Ben had to drink his water to brace himself. Nine just brought a very sensitive topic.

Dome was rather surprise but flashed a smile.

"If he wants to replace me he can do it. I hurt him first but I'm quiet confident because that man has a "scary" reputation. Girls can only drool over him but they can't really approach him." Dome said as he chuckled, he remembered that one time a girl came to Pavel to confess.

And Pavel just gave her a look from head to toe then he acted like a gay, straight up telling the girl that they are no match.

Nine just nodded.

When the stuff they needed to do was done. Nine went to the Engineering Department to look for Chen.

As he walk, he felt the stares of the wolves on him. It's like they just found a deer to hunt.

Nine wasn't afraid at all he just shrugged them off.

When he reached the dining area of the department. He was surprised how... messy it was. It was full and noisy.

"Now, I believe him. This is why he eats on our dept than here." He mumbled.

"Hey. Med, why are you here?" Nine turned his head to the wolf--the alpha of the pack to be exact.

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