23: Mutual Understanding

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"Are you going to break up with me?" I asked him.

He did not respond quickly, his eyes turned fiery. And I know, he is now mad.

"You want it? Fine!" He yelled as he stood up and went to my door.

I quickly grabbed his hand.

"I don't want it. Even if you do." I told him between my breathe.

"Phi." He called.

"It's my fault, all mine. You can slap it on my face. I'm sorry I became one-sided. I'm sorry if stubborn and act cold. I'm sorry you had to see me being hugged by someone but Joong, I did not cheat or chose him over you. Don't even think about that." I uttered while trying to not cry.

Ugh. That's why I hate falling in love it gives you an open door to all emotions you never felt before. I never cried in front of others but now i think it's gonna happen.

When Joong did not respond I hugged him tightly.

"Don't leave." I surrendered to him completely. I begged him to stay which is not like me at all. I broke my own rule for myself, which is 'not begging for anyone to stay' because if they love you they will never leave.

It's different to this situation, if Joong's feelings for me disappeared or it became less than before, it's okay.

But I won't let him go.

I sniffed, trying to contain my tears. Slowly, I felt him turning to face me and when he did,

He hugged me back, his body is covering mine completely because he's simply a giant.

"I'm sorry." I mumbled repeatedly.

"Phi, I get it." He said stopping me.

"But--" He cut me off when he pushed me to my bed.

"Oi! Joong!" I yelled in surprise.

"What about making up with sexy time?" He said seductively. I almost had an heart attack.

"Mai! Joong!" I disagreed but he went to me and place his face to my neck.

I closed my eyes tightly.

But I just felt him sniffing me then he lie beside me and hugged me. Thank God!

"P' Nine, next time we should really talk it out." He said with a fluffy voice of his.

"I know, sorry. About Andy, he's just a friend I just let him hugged me because I don't know how to comfort him. You see he has family issues and I just saw myself to him when I had one so I comforted him. I swear I did not hug him back." I explained. Joong stared at me and smiled.

"I know Phi, I just really feel jealous." He admitted.

I hugged him back, now I can hear his heart beating.

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