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                   2 years later


I stretched my arms as I leave the operating room. And just like a week ago I did not see even a trace of Joong. At first, I thought that he might be very busy for his project but everytime I go there he is isn't there either.

I miss him. Now, I understand what he felt back then when I completely had no time for him. It feels very heavy.

I went back to my office and sat on my chair. I stared blankly at the ceiling. I feel very empty these days. Before whenever I finish any operation Joong will always be outside congratulating me but now that he's not here. I---miss him. I am longing for him.

And this is what scares me the most, being too dependent to him when in comes to my emotional support.

"Doc, I just want to remind you for your another operation schedule this afternoon." My assistant-secretary reminded me.

"Bethany? Can you give me second? I want to ask a very personal question." She looked at me and then nodded her head. She sat on the couch.

"If a person-- suddenly stop doing he or she used to do what does it mean?" I asked her without beating around the bush but also giving any hints.

"Hmmm... it could be two thing. That person is tired of doing it or... found a new thing to do." She answered and both of her answer pierced my heart and it stings so much.

Is Joong tired of me? Or worse, does he have someone else.

I shook my head.

"Thank you, you can go." I told Bethany and I smiled weakly.

When she was out, I looked into my phone. He's not even messaging me that much anymore, he used to bug me any minute but since the day started his morning message was the only message I received today.

My shift ended at 10 p.m. and luckily I stumble upon Dome. Who is also in a stressful state as I am.

"You sure its okay for to take me for a ride?" I asked him. I could see his dark circles! Damn, he's so dedicated. Dome is part of a research team about the certain virus. They are trying to specify it and find an anti-bodies for it.

"Yes, your house is not that far. Joong can't fetch you up either? Why don't you bring a car then?" He asked back.

"Sometimes he'd fetch me and I don't want to drive seperately if ever." I answered, Dome gave me a nod. Clearly he's not in the mood to be talky but right now but I need some advice from him.

"Dome, did Pavel ever suddenly stop doing what he always do for you? Like, messaging you or updating you? Anything?"

Dome glanced at me before answering.

"He did stop fetching me but he never stopped sending me to work. I guess it was because of our collapsing schedules as for updating or messaging. He would always find time wether its lunch or between his breaks. Why?"

I fell in silence. Right, they have breaks and lunch but why is Joong not messaging me even a hi?

When I get home, the punk is already sleeping. I sighed. He must be tired.

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