5: Determination

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~Hi, I know it's random but did you guys spotted the ghost ship yet? ~

Pavel could not help himself but to stare at Chen.

"Seriously are you a twin? a clone? where the fuck is Chen?" He asked to the guy in front of him.

Chen glared at his Big Bro. "P' if you have so much time to tease why don't you study?"

Pavel chocked from Chen's words.

"Come again?" He asked.

"P' my life is depending on this, please stop distracting me." Chen begged.

"Oho, you're even calling me P' now, what's going on?" Pavel did not stop bugging Chen, he's quite amused to see his junior being earnest to his studies because the Chen he knows does not like studying.

"P' get lost!" Chen yelled grumpily.

Pavel laughed at him as he walk away.

Chen is being stressed out so he's very sensitive, he does not know what to do anymore. These past few days the memory of Nine walking away keep bugging him. It feels like it's a sign, Chen knew if he loses the bet he has to keep his promise and he will because he's a man of his words. Everything is making him very anxious.

Chen decided to move to another place to study and he chose to study at the field.

He sat on the grass and started to read again but the more he read the more he feels like dying. Why did he ever suggested a bet that includes studying? It is his weakness for shia sake!

Another minutes have passed and now his soul is floating somewhere else.

"Aw, Chen? What are you doing here?" Chen was startled that he almost smacked his face with the book he's reading.

"P' Dome! What are you doing here P'?" Chen asked the Med student.

"I was waiting for Ben. We're going to hang out. Oh you're studying? Sorry for interrupting you." Dome apologized.

"It's okay P'." He assured.

Dome sat beside him.

"Wow, I did not know you are very studious person." Dome said as he look at the pile of books and papers.

"Believe me P' I am not." Chen could not help but pout.

Dome messed Chen's hair.

"I heard your exam will be 4 days after now. Susu na!" Dome cheered with a smile.

"Thank you, P'." Chen wai-ed to the Med.

"I should go now, continue your studies. And oh, my tip for you is to highlight the important details and formulas. You will remember them more, it's effective." Dome waved his goodbye to Chen.

Chen wai-ed again.

When Dome is gone he looked at his books again.

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