28: Flashback I

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Nine brushed off his hair that covers his eyes. He and his friends decided to play volleyball since the sun is about to set. And now the game is getting more and more exciting that it makes him pour his competitiveness spirit.

"Serve!" He yelled.

His friend served the ball and put so much force on it, Nine looked where will the ball land and to his surprise he calculated that ball will surely land at the boy who is sleeping at the bleachers near him.

"Oi! Nong!" He yelled and quickly ran towards him, the boy is in a deep sleep so he tried to catch the ball but in the end he  hurt his wirst because the impact was so strong.

"Shia!" He exclaimed.

The boy opened his eyes and when he felt the commotion he was confused. He sat.

"Oi! Nine! Are you okay?" His friend asked worried about him.

"Are kidding me? That hurts!" He scoffed.

"Oho, don't blame me you shielded that kid at your own." His friend who served the ball said while shrugging.

"Right, you should've let that kid. He should not sleep anywhere he likes." Another friend of his said.

Nine turned to look at the boy.

Their eyes met. The boy has long lashes and unusual face features that make him look handsome in a unique way. The senior highschoool Nine felt his heart beat crazily but he ignored it.

"Nong, next time don't sleep here." He said and turned his back.

"Uh! Just continue playing I'll let P'Sao check my wrist." He said as he walked out the field.

While walking, he felt someone was following him so he stopped and looked around to see who it is.

"Aw? Nong, why are you following me?" He asked.

The boy appeared like he was scared to him which made him frown.

"Are you okay?" Nine asked as he moved towards the boy but the boy reacted instinctively, he moved backward.

"P-Phi, sorry for awhile ago. Please don't be mad at me." He apologized while stuttering.

"Ohh, It's okay I'm not mad but my wrist hurts so I got to go. See you around, na?" Nine uttered but the boy looked at him like he was pleading.

"P-Phi, can I come with you? I-I just feel bad."

Nine chuckled.

"I'm okay but if you insist it's okay too. What's your name?" Nine asked.

"Joong Archen Aydin khrab." The boy replied with a hint of shyness.

"Aw, that's a cute name. I'll call you, Joong then."  Nine said smiling, he patted the Nong's head.

When they arrived at the clinic her sister was there.

"Really? Why are you here? I'm having quality time with P'Dean!" She exclaimed.

"Aw? P'Sao is not here?"

"Duh, that's why I'm here." Her sister spites.

"Stop flirting and go to your class you buffalo woman. I'm injured, okay?" Nine fought back. He received a smack.

"Oiiii! I'm really injured!" He complained while caressing his head.

Mila ignored her when she suddenly saw Chen.

"Aw, who is this boy?" She asked while smiling at the boy.

"The reason why I'm injured." He simply said.

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