14: (Triggering) His unconditional love.

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WARNING: TRIGGERING PARTS | MATURE CONTENT (17 below are not allowed to read; read at your own risk.)

Dome started to shiver as he remember that "day" vividly.

Pavel saw the horror on Dome's face. It made him worried sick. His heart beats faster, he doesn't know what will Dome confess to him and if he will be able to carry it on.

The first thing he guessed is that Dome might have cheated on him.

"Lek.....he.." Dome started to shiver more and he hugged himself like he's protecting himself from something.

The next thing Dome said after those line made Pavel fall on his knees.

Dome cries are all Pavel can hear.
He doesn't know what to do, he felt like he died on that spot.

Pavel stared blankly at the sunflowers.

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry." Dome whispered within his sobs.

"S-stop." Pavel begged with his voice crackin up.

"I... will accept it if you will--" Dome was cut off when Pavel pinned him on the wall.

"I will kill him." Pavel clenched his jaw as he said those word with rage.

Dome's eyes widened.

"P-pavel---" Dome called but Pavel  walked out the garden.

"Pavel!" Dome called but the lad did not looked back.


"You will get me on trouble." The police man said to Pavel. Pavel just glared at him, so he had no choice but to go with the flow.

As soon as Lek appeared before his eyes he landed a powerful punch on the mad man's face.

He fell to the ground but Pavel did not stop attacking him. He pulled his collar and punched him again, the mad man laughed

"Is that all? I thought you love that med?" When Pavel heard that he went all berserk and punched Lek again, his face is full of bruises and blood already but he still managed to smirk and provoke Pavel.

"I will kill you, do you understand?! Fucking bastard!" Pavel's rage was at his limit, if he won't stop he might actually kill the previous alpha.

"Even if you kill me, he will remember every bit of it. Ow, I know now, why he did not shiver anymore when we took them  last time. He purposely forget about that one sweet night-- what is that? Psychological defense? Selective amnesia? But how did you know? He remembered? Probably because of you! HAHAHAHAHA." Pavel clenched his fist tight to the point it was already shaking.

"What did you do? What did you do to him!?" He screamed on top of his lungs.

Lek smirked, "Do you really want to know how good it was to see him suffer and scream your name for help? It was really satisfying." Lek licked his lips after saying those words.

And then.


"SHIA! Oi! Pavel!"

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