7: Alpha's Weakness

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There is something about their stares. And why did I see pain from Pavel's eyes? What is this? I'm confused!

"Oho, your seniors are here to fetch their trash." Pavel said with a real scary tone as he grabbed one of juniors' hair.

"P'!" The freshmen screamed in pain.

"Stop." Dome said, shia? How will Pavel stop if you use that soft voice?

I nudged Dome but he did not even look at me.

Why are they having staring contest?

"Let's talk." Dome voice was pleading.

"We don't need any talk, your juniors started it. Don't make puke with those "we're not barbaric like you" "

Pavel emphasize the word barbaric. I can sense that he will go down for real anytime.

"Yes, they did it first. But you have no right to punish them like that." Dome said now he's serious.

"If the Meds won't do it, I will." Both of them are throwing deadly stares. I am no use here at all!

"Let's talk, cool down." Dome approached Pavel that made his friends alarmed. I held Dome's shoulder to stop him moving forward but he brushed me off.

"You know if we talk alone things will get out of hand." Pavel warned, I think I'm gonna die-- there's no way we can handle this gang! What the hell, Dome?!

I saw Dome hesitate. "Let them go." He said, they stared at each other again.

Pavel smirked.

What is going on?

"Go." Pavel said, our juniors ran as fast as they can. I can only stand here stunned.

"Leave us alone." Dome said the way he sound is very serious. I don't know what's between them-- I did not even know that they know each other.

"Will you be , okay?" I asked.

''Yes, he won't hurt me don't worry." Dome assured, I gave him a nod before going.

I need to ask Nine about this.


We're alone now and I don't like it. Pavel pulled me closer.

"Why do you look like you don't like us to be alone." He said while wearing his annoying smirk.

"Because I do hate it." His smirk disappeared.

"Fine, I won't mess with those punks. Happy?" Every words feels like he's mocking.

"Good." I turned my back to him and was about to go but he hugged me.

"Don't go yet." I closed my fist, the way his voice cracked makes me wanna hug him back but I can't.

"Don't make this hard for us, move on Pavel." Even if it hurts to say those words I have to, because it's the only way to take him out of all this pain.

"If loving you is equivalent to pain I can take it all but I will never stop loving you." He said tenderly.

I heave a sigh, took his hands off and faced him.

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