13: Things he can't tell to him.

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Nine was silent for some time. He does not know what to say, will he tell them or not?

He hesitated but realized that they are actually obvious already, there's no need for them to hide it.

"Uh! We're dating happy now?" He answered grumpily.

Chen smiled ear to ear, the boy was swarmed by butterflies.

Ben and Dome smiled at him.

"Oho, your pride didn't get the best of you today." Ben teased.

"Shut up." Nine scoffed.

Chen sat beside Nine and stared at him lovingly. Chen is really happy that Nine is brave enough to tell his friends about them, he can't believe that the person in front of him is the same person who rejected him many times before.

"I'm happy for you." Dome said, he is genuinely happy for the new couple but something made him feel bad, he's envious. He wants to be brave enough like Nine but he knows not yet.

Nine only smiled at Dome.

Nine knew about what Dome and Pavel has it on right now, after all his boyfriend is fuxking noisy. He does not want Chen to feel what Pavel feels right now. It will hurt him and Nine is not good at explaining himself or to comfort people. If he hurt Chen, he wouldn't know what to do--- it may even lead to an early break up if he denied Chen. Nine's pride is higher than his height, he knows himself--- even if it's his fault he will not make up for it.

And he doesn't want Chen to get tired of him when they are just new, besides it's time for him to make Chen know that his heart beats for him.

Nine stared back to the giant baby beside him.

"What?" He asked with his usual grumpy tone. Chen shook his head and smiled to him.

Nine couldn't stop his cheeks to form a smile.

On the other side, Nine's friends gave him a teasing gaze. They can't digest what they are witnessing right now. The grumpy Nine, smiled? A miracle indeed!

"Oi, Dome let's go. I don't want to watch them anymore!" Ben whined.

Dome could only laugh at his friend.

"You're just envious because you don't have a lover." Dome teased.

"Oii, let's just go!" Ben dragged Dome out.

Nine could only shake his head because of his dumb friends.

Nine continued reading while Chen laid his head to the table without breaking his stares to Nine.

The med felt uneasy, he can't focus because of the Engineer at all.

"Joong, don't you have classes?" Nine asked, Chen shook his head.

Nine tried to focus himself to the book again.

Chen suddenly took Nine hand and interwined his fingers to Nine's

Nine was a bit startled but he let Joong to hold his hand.

"P' Nine, I thought you're going to deny me." Chen opened.

Nine closed his book and faced Chen.

"I know what would you feel If I did. Just so you know even if we fight, your fault or mine I don't do the make up session. Even Dome and Ben knew, so as long as we can let's not fight." Nine was serious when he said that. Chen only smiled at him.

"I will, I will not make P' Nine mad." He said like an obidient puppy.

"Are you going to stay here?" Nine asked.

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