27:Thank You, Joong.

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Mila keep walking back and forth and her mother has been looking at her for 10 minutes already.

"Mila calm down and sit, you're making me feel nauseous " Her mother scolded.

"Mom, how am I suppose to calm down? Look at Nine! He's locking himself again." Mila exclaimed as she sat down on their sofa.

"Let him be, he must be thinking about his situation a lot. But I know he can handle this now, he has Joong remember?" Mrs. Kornchid said trying to ease her daughter's mind

Mila bit her lower lips.

"Mom, what if I tell Joong?" She asked staring straight to her mother. Mrs. Kornchid shook her head.

"Honey, we have no right to do that. You know that." Mila looked away.

Before she couldn't help or protect her brother but it will change, she won't stay still.


I bit my lip. I've been anxious since I don't know when. I can't stand it, I feel like I am trapped. Like everything's going to be the way it was before.

I searched for something inside my cabinet. A box, full of memories.

I really hate this.

I closed my eyes trying to sleep it off but I heard a knock on my door.

"I said I don't wanna talk,  P!" I yelled.

The knock stopped but I was startled when the door opened.

Revealing the honey-toned kid who is suppose to be with her mother right now.

"Hey, Joong. Why are you here?" I asked him.

He was just silent as he went to me then held my both hands.

"I'm sorry Phi, but I know everything now. And I think--- we won't work out." My heart started to beat faster.

"W-what do you mean?" I asked while stuttering.

"I'm breaking up with you. I'm sorry but I will choose my mom over you.I know that's what you want for me to do, right? Because family should be first, right?" He's looking straight to my eyes while saying those words. I couldn't help it,  tears started to flow down my eyes.

I knew it, past will always repeat itself. Funny because I'm still hoping for him not to give up.

"Y-yeah. I'm proud of you, never forget h--how much Phi loves you, na?" I uttered between my sobs.

I felt his warm hug after saying those words. I was crying out loud to his arms.

How could this be so easy for him? Is what they say true? A love that blooms early ends up early too?

I closed my eyes then opened it again.


"Phi, are you okay?" Joong asked while caressing my back. He's hugging me dearly.

"W-what happened?" I asked back.

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