17: such a tease

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The awkward silence dominated the dining room. The only sound you may hear are the clicking of the utensils.

Mrs. Kornchid cannot help it but to gaze to Nine and the guess. She could see the uneasiness of the couple.

She only wish it is not what she think it is. She wish Nine is not in love with Chen, that they are not a couple and definitely not here to ask for blessing.

Nine pinches Chen's hand below the table, Chen smiled while eating. It seems like the older guy is worried.

Chen took a piece of steak, cut it into pieces and gave his plate to Nine.

Nine was surprised, he automatically gaze to his mother. Luckily she's not looking but he felt someone staring at him. And he was right, his P'Mila.

Mila gave him a glare.

Nine shrugged and started to eat the meat. Mila could only shake her head.

"How's your study, son?" Mrs. Kornchid suddenly asked, Nine felt the stressed again.

"It was tough but I can manage." Nine said while pouting--he hate it. The need of him to do well to something he don't like. Nine originally want to take a course about business but her mom wants him to be a doctor. He was not pressured by his mom but he only took it for future purposes.

"P' Nine, stays all night to study khrab." Chen said politely.

Nine's mom smiled to him.

"It seems like you spend so much time together you are such a good friend." She emphasized the word friend.

Nine breathe deeply, "No, mom actually---"

"Nine, can you get the ice cream to the kitchen, please?" Mrs. Kornchid cut off Nine's word thag made Nine feel a bit hurt. It's like she is giving hint to them that she will not accept them.

Nine stood up with a heavy heart.

"I-i will help--" Chen said as he stood up.

"Okay, thank you." Mrs. Kornchid said without looking at him.

When they reached the kitchen Nine was staring blankly at the refrigerator. Chen held Nine's waist and pulled him in a hug.

"P'Nine." He called.

"I'm okay, just--a bit anxious." Nine said as he broke the hug.

Nine stared at his boyfriend, he then offered his hand. Chen gladly took it, they took the ice cream with them and walked back to the dining area with hand in hand.

Mrs. Kornchid and Mila's attention are on the hands of the two.

"Nine, I think we need to talk." Mrs. Kornchid said calmly.

"I think so, mom." Nine said with a low voice, Chen saw Nine being a puppy for the first time. His sassiness and strong outlook disappeared.

"Mila come with us." The three went to the office room.

While Chen looked at Nine's nong.

"P', do you want some ice cream?" The little girl asked, Chen smiled.

"Yes, please." He said, Chen felt like he should be with Nine at a moment like this but it will be rude for him to step in when it's a family discussion and besides he is not invited.

Nine felt his heart is going to burst, he's nervous. Mila could see it, even if she always bicker with her Nong she still wants the best for him because she loves him.

"Who is that kid? Tell me honestly." Nine had to bite his lips, he doesn't know how to answer the question.

"Don't tell me.." Mila exclaimed.

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