20: 👊

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This chapter is dedicated to Andy @OHMaghaadd;;

Chen keep tapping his right foot on the floor while waiting for Nine.

"Shia, shia." He cussed, he should not have told Mila everything because right now, the strong willed woman is already hunting down those high school girls.

Nine finally returned and he fully recovered.

"Aw, where's P'Mila?" He asked when he did not see even the shadow of his big sister.

"P--I have done something very wrong, I told P'Mila what happened." Chen said with guilt in his face.

"Alai!? Joong~! what have you done!" Nine exclaimed, he quickly grabbed his bag.

"Phi!" Chen called when Nine ran outside the sushi restaurant.

Nine is already late, Mila found the girls. And she did not waste any minute and grabbed the girl who disrespected her brother.

"Hey, little girl. I heard you have such a garbage mouth? Why don't you talk dirty to me then?" She said with a smirk.

The girl was so shock that she didn't know what to say or react.

"P-phi, let her go, Phi." The other girl begged, they started catching the people's attention. Mila did not back down at all.

"Where's your school? Didn't they teach you girls right conduct? Where did you get the idea that gay people only wants sex? I have so many questions that I can actually make a fucking interview right here and right now. Answer me!" The girls are scared, they look like puppies being tormented by heartless humans.

"Phi--what did we ever do?" the friend of the garbage girl asked.

"You did not do anything from me but you called out my brother. Now tell me, what did my brother ever do to you to make him feel like a trash? Let me tell you, I'm the only one who has the right to trash him out. I won't let basic bitches do it to him. Why aren't you answering huh?!" Mila yelled fiercely.

People started to gossip.

gosh so scandalous

kids these days

what did they do?

they are embarrassing,

"Phi we are sorry, please let us go." The friend said, she is indeed apologetic.

"What are you, the spokesperson of your friend? What? Cat got your tongue? " Mila moved forward to the two.

"Phi!" Finally, Nine found them, he pulled his sister away from the girls.

"Let go." Mila said coldly.

"Phi, they're just young girls. Just let them go." Nine pleaded.

"That's actually it, they are youngsters they need to learn now." Mila said without looking away from the girls.

Both of them stopped when the culprit started to cry, she might have felt wronged and shamed.

"Phi, Kha. I'm so sorry. Please let us go I will not do it again." She cried out. Mila sighed realizing she was too harsh on them, she felt how sorry the girl was so she'll just let it go but still she's still mad.

"Oh oh, I'll just let this go. I hope you learned your lesson. I'm not a bad person but I was mad, sorry kids." Mila finally said calmly.

The girls excused themselves, after that the people who were watching went back to their businesses.

Mila flipped her hair, "That was stressful."

Nine shook his head. "So? Satisfied?"

"Well, of course. Where's your boyfriend?" Mila asked when she did not see Chen.

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